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Budget 2015-2016

Definition of Funding Sources:

  • Rates and annual charges - Property-based tax levied on the owners of properties to fund the provision of local services. Annual charges refer to the cost of providing the domestic waste collection service which is also levied on property owners. 
  • User charges and fees - Includes charges levied for the use of our facilities and services, for example entrance fees for the Warringah Aquatic Centre. 
  • Interest and investment revenues - Interest earned on monies invested. 
  • Other revenues - Other revenues include rebates, merchandise, events, food and beverage sales, sponsorships, lease and sundry income. 
  • Grants and contributions – operational purpose - Monies received from state, federal and community sources for the purpose of funding ongoing programs and positions within the organisation such as the Financial Assistance Grant. 
  • Grants and contributions capital – capital purpose - Monies received from state, federal and community sources to fund capital works including developer contributions.
  • Gains on disposal of assets - Surplus from the disposal of assets such as land and buildings, vehicles, plant and equipment.