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6. Working Together

Our community actively participates in decision-making; Our leadership and management is responsive, building effective partnerships and planning for the future


The changes we want to bring about cannot be achieved by one organisation but require all stakeholders in Warringah’s future to work together.

We want to contribute to decisions that affect us. We want to play a more active role in civic life, providing opinion and taking advantage of opportunities to influence decision making. The desire for greater personal responsibility includes being tolerant of the views of others and appreciating that, sometimes, the common good has to take precedent over individual or minority interests.

We should provide elected representatives with robust information to enable them to make informed decisions. Public officers need to display integrity at all times and earn the trust of the community they represent.

Community Objectives

Click the objectives to view Council actions
6.1 We are effectively represented, can provide our opinion, and contribute to decisions that impact Warringah
6.2 We trust our politicians and public officers and they demonstrate leadership, transparency, accountability and deliver value for money services
6.3 We participate in effective partnerships and collaborate for now and the future