Development Activity Search
Selected development:
Jetty [Primary Activity]
Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 2014 DICTIONARY)
means a horizontal decked walkway providing access from the shore to the waterway and is generally constructed on a piered or piled foundation.
Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2011 Dictionary)
means a horizontal decked walkway providing access from the shore to the waterway and is generally constructed on a piered or piled foundation.
Manly Local Environmental Plan 2013 Dictionary)
means a horizontal decked walkway providing access from the shore to the waterway and is generally constructed on a piered or piled foundation.
Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 2014 Dictionary)
means a horizontal decked walkway providing access from the shore to the waterway and is generally constructed on a piered or piled foundation.
Historic Historic - Draft Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2009)
means a horizontal decked walkway providing access from the shore to the waterway and is generally constructed on a piered or piled foundation.