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Manly LEP 2013
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Search for the development/activity that best describes your proposal. Once you have selected the primary activity you will be asked to add any other relevant activities. You can remove any activity by clicking on the red X.
Selected properties:
10 Talgara Place BEACON HILL NSW 2100
[Primary Property]
Lot 2 DP 28206
Parcel formerly in Warringah Local Government Area
Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned R2 Low Density Residential
Warringah LEP2011 - Lot Size Map-all land shown as 600sm
Warringah LEP2011 - Height of Buildings Map-all land shown as 8.5m
Part 2 - 3c - CDC notes - WLEP Dual Occs in R2 Zones
Warringah LEP2011 - Land Slip Risk Map-Area B
DCP - Landscaped Open Space and Bushland Setting 40% of site
DCP - Maximum wall height 7.2m
DCP - Building Envelope 4m
Development Activity Search
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Only letters and numbers are allowed.
Type in the development, activity or use that you are proposing. e.g. house or use or shop.
Selected development:
Pond-based aquaculture
[Primary Activity]
Ensure that you select everything you are proposing in order to get a full list of the relevant planning controls.
E.g. If you are proposing a house, are you also proposing a fence, swimming pool, and/or removing trees?
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