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Step 2. Zone

Select the zone you are enquiring about.

Select the zone you are enquiring about:
Land Zoning Map - C1 National Park & Nature Res Land Zoning Map - C2 Environmental Conservation Land Zoning Map - C3 Environmental Management Land Zoning Map - C4 Environmental Living Land Zoning Map - E1 Local Centre Land Zoning Map - E3 Productivity Support Land Zoning Map - E4 General Industrial Land Zoning Map - MU1 Mixed Use Land Zoning Map - R2 Low Density Residential Land Zoning Map - R3 Medium Density Residential Land Zoning Map - R5 Large Lot Residential Land Zoning Map - RE1 Public Recreation Land Zoning Map - RE2 Private Recreation Land Zoning Map - RU2 Rural Landscape Land Zoning Map - SP1 Special Activities Land Zoning Map - SP2 Infrastructure Land Zoning Map - SP3 Tourist Land Zoning Map - SP4 Enterprise Land Zoning Map - W1 Natural Waterways Land Zoning Map - W2 Recreational Waterways Land Zoning Map - W4 Working Waterfront Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned R1 General Residential (R1) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned C1 National Parks and Nature Reserves (C1) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned C2 Environmental Conservation (C2) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned C3 Environmental Management (C3) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned C4 Environmental Living (C4) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned E1 Local Centre (E1) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned E3 Productivity Support (E3) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned IN2 Light Industrial (IN2) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned R2 Low Density Residential (R2) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned R3 Medium Density Residential (R3) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned RE1 Public Recreation (RE1) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned RE2 Private Recreation (RE2) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned SP1 Special Activities (SP1) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned SP2 Infrastructure (SP2) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned SP3 Tourist (SP3) Manly LEP2013 - Land zoned W1 Natural Waterways (W1) OLDLand Zoning Map - B1 Neighbourhood Centre OLDLand Zoning Map - B2 Local Centre OLDLand Zoning Map - B4 Mixed Use OLDLand Zoning Map - B6 Enterprise Corridor OLDLand Zoning Map - B7 Business Park OLDLand Zoning Map - E2 Environmental Conservation OLDLand Zoning Map - IN2 Light Industrial OLDLand Zoning Map - IN4 Working Waterfront OLDManly LEP2013 - Land zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre (B1) OLDManly LEP2013 - Land zoned B2 Local Centre (B2) OLDManly LEP2013 - Land zoned B6 Enterprise Corridor (B6) OLDWarringah LEP2011 - Land zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre (B1) OLDWarringah LEP2011 - Land zoned B2 Local Centre (B2) OLDWarringah LEP2011 - Land zoned B3 Commercial Core (B3) OLDWarringah LEP2011 - Land zoned B4 Mixed Use (B4) OLDWarringah LEP2011 - Land zoned B5 Business Development (B5) OLDWarringah LEP2011 - Land zoned B7 Business Park (B7) OLDWarringah LEP2011 - Land zoned IN1 General Industrial (IN1) OLDWarringah LEP2011 - Land zoned IN2 Light Industrial (IN2) SREP(Sydney Harbour Catchment)2005 - Land Zoned W2 Environmental Protection (SREP-W2) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned C1 National Parks and Nature Reserves (C1) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned C2 Environmental Conservation (C2) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned C3 Environmental Management (C3) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned C4 Environmental Living (C4) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned E1 Local Centre (E1) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned E2 Commercial Centre (E2) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned E3 Productivity Support (E3) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned E4 General Industrial (E4) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned MU1 Mixed Use (MU1) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned R2 Low Density Residential (R2) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned R3 Medium Density Residential (R3) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned RE1 Public Recreation (RE1) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned RE2 Private Recreation (RE2) Warringah LEP2011 - Land Zoned RU4 Primary Production Small Lots (RU4) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned SP1 Special Activities (SP1) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned SP2 Infrastructure (SP2) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned SP4 Enterprise (SP4) Warringah LEP2011 - Land zoned W1 Natural Waterways (W1) WLEP Land identified in Schedule 1 Additional Permitted Uses. Refer to attached extract of WLEP2011

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