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Application Number: PCA2010/0973

Council - Alterations & additions to a dwelling house
Application Type:
Principal Certifier

Cost of Work:
$ 0



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Add N - BA5003/3831 (Submitted: 14/05/2010)
Converted Fujitsu BA5003/7580
ADD Amended N (Submitted: 18/05/1998)
Converted Fujitsu BA5003/3831
Add N DATE TYPE NOTE 30/10/1998 Frame Inspected by: MW Notes: OK ENGR TO CERTITY 18/06/1998 Slabs Inspected by: MW Notes: OK-TERRACE 03/06/1998 Slabs Inspected by: MW Notes: OK-PART GROUND 06/05/1998 Slabs Inspected by: MW Notes: OK 21/04/1998 Footings Inspected by: MW Notes: GEOTECH CERT RECEIVED 21/04/1998 Footings Inspected by: MW Notes: GEOTECH CERT.REQUIRED (Submitted: 24/10/1996)
Converted Fujitsu BA5002/8943
Add N (Submitted: 09/09/1994)