Construction Certificate CC0295/17
Subdivision Works - Stage 2 - 98/067/1
(Submitted: 19/07/2017)
Development Application N0067/16
Torrens title subdivision of a yet to be created Lot into 28 allotments and associated civil works
(Submitted: 18/02/2016)
Section 455 Modifications N0379/14/S96/1
two staged subdivision and associated civil works. Stage 1 provides for the Torrens Title subdivision of 6 Residential lots and a large residue, including associated landscaping and civil works. Stage 2 provides the subdivision of the residue lot, including the construction and dedication of a public road, the construction of a detention basins and associated landscaping and civil work.
(Submitted: 09/10/2015)
Development Application N0379/14
Two staged subdivision and associated civil works. Stage 1 provides for the Torrens Title subdivision of 6 Residential lots and a large residue, including the construction of a detention basin and associated landscaping and civil works. Stage 2 provides the subdivision of the residue lot, including the construction and dedication of a public road, the construction of a detention basin and associated landscaping and civil works at 2 and 2A Orchard Street and 204 Garden Street, Warriewood.
(Submitted: 22/10/2014)
Public Exhibition Document PP0004/13
Planning Proposal to rezone land to a residential zone and increase residential densities
(Submitted: 13/06/2013)
Construction Certificate CC0215/16
Stage 1 Subdivision (excl works within Orchard St & Garden St)
(Submitted: 01/01/1800)
Construction Certificate CC0012/17
Stage 2 - Roadworks
(Submitted: 01/01/1800)