Make a Submission on an Application
Your Comments: To the Assessing Planner
Development Application submissions received outside the official exhibition period are considered by Council, if received prior to the determination of the application.
Your Details:
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Contact Address:
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Please Note that if a valid address is not received, an acknowledgement letter cannot be sent out.
Your Comments: To the Assessing Officer
By clicking on the Submit button you agree that your submission will be made publicly available on Council’s website and accept the terms contained within
Advice on Making a Submission
Advice on Making a Submission
Your submission will be formally acknowledged and any concern you have will be considered by the assessment officer and addressed in the officer’s assessment report. Council is interested in the issues you have and potential impacts resulting from this application.
Prior to making your submission, Council recommends you review the plans and accompanying information and are aware of the following information detailed in Council’s Community Participation Plan:
- All submissions must be made in writing to Council and must reasonably and relevantly relate to the subject of the application, proposal or project. When considering an application, Council must consider statutory requirements under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, adopted policies of Council, and issues raised in written submissions.
Content - Your submission must be restricted to the proposed development and not raise issues of a personal nature. Council maintains the right to withhold from the webpage any submission that is deemed to contain personal and potentially defamatory content. In making a submission, you do so at your own risk and Council accepts no responsibility in this regard.
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 - All submissions will be publicly available on Council’s website and may be disclosed to any person requesting information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information (e.g. phone number, address, name, email address) will be redacted upon request.
Confidentiality and anonymous submissions - Council will consider requests for a whole submission to be confidential and these requests must include reasons as to why the submission should not be released online. Anonymous correspondence received will not be counted as a submission.
Notification of determination - Persons who lodge a submission will be notified of Council’s determination of the application, proposal or project. Note: Submissions received after the end of the notification period will be considered in the assessment of the proposal, prior to determination of the application.
Counting of submissions - All submissions received from the same person will be considered as a single submission. All submissions received by or on behalf of the same dwelling will be considered as a single submission. Irrespective of the number of signatories, petitions will be considered as a single submission. Only the organiser of the petition will be notified of Council’s determination of the application.
Amended Plans - If you lodge a submission and then Council receives amended plans and renotifies you of those changes, Council considers that your concerns have been satisfied if you do not lodge a subsequent submission.