Section 455 Modifications N0396/13/S96/1
Alterations and additions to the dwelling including new swimming pool and deck. The proposed modifications are listed in the Statement of Environmental Effects which can be viewed at Council offices or on Council’s website.
(Submitted: 23/06/2015)
Public Exhibition Document PP0001/15
Amendment to PLEP 2014 to endorse the recommendations of the community based heritage study.
(Submitted: 15/04/2015)
Construction Certificate CC0318/14
Alterations and additions to the dwelling including new swimming pool and deck
(Submitted: 07/10/2014)
Construction Certificate CC0324/14
Alterations and additions to the dwelling including new swimming pool and deck. This Stage Two Construction Certificate to address remainder of works.
(Submitted: 07/10/2014)
Development Application N0396/13
Alterations and additions to the dwelling including new swimming pool and deck
(Submitted: 30/12/2013)