Principal Certifier FOC2017/0914
demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a new single dwelling, pool and storage structure - BP15149 & BP15149(M)
(Submitted: 12/12/2017)
Section 455 Modifications N0105/14/S96/1
demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a new single dwelling, pool and storage structure. Modifications include replacement of septic system.
(Submitted: 29/02/2016)
Development Application T0271/15
Tree/Bushland Works
(Submitted: 05/06/2015)
Construction Certificate CC0117/15
Demolition, two storey new residential brick and concrete building with 1 bedroom. concrete pool with tiles, brick and concrete storage structure to residence.
(Submitted: 26/03/2015)
Development Application N0105/14
demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a new single dwelling, pool and storage structure
(Submitted: 15/04/2014)