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Application Number: PP0005/16

Planning Proposal - Planning Proposal to rezone 6 Jacksons Road, 10 &12 Boondah Road from RU2 Rural Landscape to R3 Medium Density Residential, B2 Local Centre, RE1 Public Recreation & E3 Environmental Management. The proposal also seeks to amend the height of buildings map from 8.5m to a maximum 18.5m, & apply a Floor Space Ratio of 1.2:1.
Application Type:
Public Exhibition Document
Cost of Work:
$ 0


Related Applications:
There are no related applications.

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to amend Pittwater Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 to rezone the site at 10-12 Boondah Road, Warriewood from RU2 Rural Landscape to R3 Medium Density Residential and C2 Environmental Conservation, increase the maximum building height from 8.5m to 15m over the R3 zoned land, remove the minimum subdivision lot size, and amend the Urban Release Area Map and clause 6.1(3) to apply a dwelling yield range of 40-45 dwellings. 4 dwellings are proposed in a manor home or two storey residential flat building typology for affordable housing for 10 years. (Submitted: 20/07/2022)
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Public Exhibition Document PP0005/16
Planning Proposal to rezone 6 Jacksons Road, 10 &12 Boondah Road from RU2 Rural Landscape to R3 Medium Density Residential, B2 Local Centre, RE1 Public Recreation & E3 Environmental Management. The proposal also seeks to amend the height of buildings map from 8.5m to a maximum 18.5m, & apply a Floor Space Ratio of 1.2:1. (Submitted: 21/12/2016)
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The application seeks to amend the Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 1993 and Draft Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 2013 to permit a mixed use development on 6 Jacksons Road and 3, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Boondah Road. The proposal includes residential, commercial and retail uses. Please Note: The location map enclosed with the notification letters sent to all surrounding landowners did not identify the property 3 Boondah Road as subject to the Planning Proposal application. The location map available below (Documents) has been rectified to identify all properties subject to the Planning Proposal application. The planning proposal is on public exhibition between 7 January 2014 and 2 February 2014. (Submitted: 20/04/2015)