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Application Number: DA 340/2000

New - DA0340/00 Harbour cruise application
Application Type:
Development Application
Determination Level:

Cost of Work:
$ 0
Nayeem Islam

Related Applications:
There are no related applications.

Other Applications
Principal Certifier NOC2025/0105
Manly Wharf Jetty Bar Refurbishment including changes to furniture, screening, umbrellas and lighting - CDC-24054 (S240213) (Submitted: 15/01/2025)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2024/0990
Manly Wharf Jetty Bar Refurbishment including changes to furniture, screening, umbrellas and lighting - CDC-24054 (S240213) (Submitted: 18/12/2024)
Construction Certificate CC2024/1251
Alterations and additions to Manly Wharf in association with Hugos restaurant - 210605/1 (Submitted: 19/11/2024)
Principal Certifier OC2024/1143
WHOLE OC - Construction of awnings and blinds - 230526/1 (Submitted: 11/11/2024)
Development Application DA2024/1375
Internal and external alterations and additions to Manly Wharf and Manly Wharf Hotel (Submitted: 01/11/2024)
Development Application DA2024/1249
Alterations and additions including internal fit-out for use of premises as a pub and artisan food and drink industry (Submitted: 26/09/2024)
Principal Certifier NOC2024/0831
Construction of awnings and blinds CC 230526/1 (Submitted: 29/08/2024)
Construction Certificate CC2024/0903
Construction of awnings and blinds - 230526/1 (Submitted: 26/08/2024)
Principal Certifier OC2023/1103
Manly Cove Launch Club - Pile replacement to existing slipway - WHOLE OC - 20240033 (Submitted: 24/11/2023)
Principal Certifier OC2023/0903
Use of premises (Shop 11) as a cafe including fit-out and signage - Whole OC - 8338-/1 AKA - East Esplanade MANLY (Submitted: 27/09/2023)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2023/0622
Manly Cove Launch Club - Pile replacement to existing slipway - 20240033 (Submitted: 30/08/2023)
Principal Certifier NOC2023/0759
Notice of Commencement of Work - 20240033 (Submitted: 30/08/2023)
Construction Certificate CC2023/0885
Use of premises (Shop 11) as a cafe including fit-out and signage - 8338-1 AKA - East Esplanade MANLY (Submitted: 15/08/2023)
Principal Certifier OC2023/0244
Use of premises (Shop 8) as a take away food and drink premises including fit-out and signage - SUSHI HUB - 7987/2 (Submitted: 20/03/2023)
Development Application DA2023/0195
Use of premises (Shop 11) as a cafe including fit-out and signage AKA - East Esplanade MANLY (Submitted: 07/03/2023)
Construction Certificate CC2022/1256
Use of premises (Shop 8) as a take away food and drink premises including fit-out and signage - 7987/1 (Submitted: 18/11/2022)
Development Application DA2022/1053
Use of premises (Shop 8) as a take away food and drink premises including fit-out and signage (Submitted: 26/07/2022)
Development Application DA2022/0403
Construction of awnings and blinds (Submitted: 03/05/2022)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2022/0299
Shop Refurbishment - 210942 (Submitted: 28/03/2022)
Principal Certifier OC2022/0180
Shop Refurbishment - 210942 (Submitted: 25/02/2022)
Principal Certifier FOC2021/0785
Alterations and additions to an existing food and drink premises - Guzman Y Gomez - CBS210118OC01 (Submitted: 02/07/2021)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2021/0314
Modification of Development Consent DA2020/0962 granted for alterations and additions to Manly Wharf in association with Hugos restaurant (Submitted: 02/06/2021)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2020/0665
Modification of Development Consent DA2019/0987 granted for the use of the premises as a licensed restaurant, fitout, and signage (Submitted: 16/12/2020)
Development Application DA2020/1618
Alterations and additions to an existing food and drink premises (Submitted: 16/12/2020)
Principal Certifier FOC2020/1683
Use of premises as a licensed restaurant, fitout, and signage - 20/2027-2 (Submitted: 23/10/2020)
Principal Certifier FOC2020/1570
Manly Wharf Shop Hugos 1 - Modifications to existing kitchen, office and store to provide additional space to existing kitchen. Modification to existing southern facade low wall and existing cladding - 190336/1 (Submitted: 09/09/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0962
Alterations and additions to Manly Wharf in association with Hugos restaurant (Submitted: 21/08/2020)
Principal Certifier NOC2020/0937
Use of premises as a licensed restaurant, fitout, and signage - 20/2027-1 (Submitted: 30/07/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0742
Use of premises as a licensed restaurant, fitout, and signage - 20/2027-1 (Submitted: 30/07/2020)
Principal Certifier NOC2020/0418
Manly Wharf Shop Hugos 1 - Alterations to existing kitchen, office and store to provide additional space po existing kitchen. Alterations to existing southern facade low wall and existing cladding - 190336/1 (Submitted: 23/04/2020)
Principal Certifier FOC2020/1175
Construction of replacement business identification signage - GDL200068 (Submitted: 14/04/2020)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2020/0203
Manly Wharf Shop Hugos 1 - Alterations to existing kitchen, office and store to provide additional space po existing kitchen. Alterations to existing southern facade low wall and existing cladding - 190336/1 (Submitted: 27/03/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0209
Construction of replacement business identification signage - GDL200068 (Submitted: 09/03/2020)
Principal Certifier NOC2020/0265
Construction of replacement business identification signage - GDL200068 (Submitted: 09/03/2020)
Development Application DA2019/1234
Alterations and additions to the existing building to facilitate outdoor seating and an increase to the capacity of two restaurants (Submitted: 04/11/2019)
Principal Certifier FOC2019/1831
internal alterations to existing Bavarian restaurant along with shopfront alterations 19000538 (Submitted: 04/11/2019)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2019/0764
Internal alterations to existing Bavarian restaurant, along with shopfront alterations ( no increase to patron numbers) - 19000578/1 (Submitted: 16/10/2019)
Principal Certifier NOC2019/1279
Internal alterations to existing Bavarian restaurant, along with shopfront alterations ( no increase to patron numbers) - 19000578/1 (Submitted: 16/10/2019)
Development Application DA2019/0987
Use of premises as a licensed restaurant, fitout, and signage (Submitted: 09/09/2019)
Development Application DA2018/1985
Construction of replacement business identification signage (Submitted: 17/12/2018)
Principal Certifier FOC2018/1626
Use of premises as a restaurant, fit-out and signage- Betty's Burgers - CBS185832 (Submitted: 29/11/2018)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2018/1124
Minor internal alterations to the existing Aldi Store - 18/3098/01 (Submitted: 12/11/2018)
Principal Certifier NOC2018/1671
Minor internal alterations to the existing Aldi Store - 18/3098/01 (Submitted: 12/11/2018)
Development Application DA2018/1706
Signage (Submitted: 18/10/2018)
Principal Certifier IOC2018/0960
AMENDED PLANS - Construction of a first floor addition to the existing Manly Wharf structure including four (4) restaurant tenancies with plant rooms and changes to the ground floor including two (2) new retail tenancies (Submitted: 04/10/2018)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2018/0525
Modification of Development Consent DA142/2011 granted for commercial premises (Submitted: 28/09/2018)
Construction Certificate CC2018/1142
Use of premises as a restaurant, fit-out and signage - CBS185832 (Submitted: 19/09/2018)
Development Application DA2018/1418
Use of Premises as restaurants (Submitted: 27/08/2018)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2018/0670
Internal fitout for Sake/Fratelli Fresh. CDC excludes seating, subject to a separate Development Consent - 18000376/1 (Submitted: 20/07/2018)
Principal Certifier NOC2018/1052
Internal fitout for Sake/Fratelli Fresh. CDC excludes seating, subject to a separate Development Consent - 18000376/1 (Submitted: 20/07/2018)
Development Application DA2018/1213
Alterations and Additions to an existing kiosk (Gloria Jeans) (Submitted: 13/07/2018)
Development Application DA2018/0883
Use of premises as a restaurant, fit-out and signage- Betty's Burgers (Submitted: 28/05/2018)
Principal Certifier FOC2018/0754
Alterations and additons to existing Hugo's Restaurant including additional store and cool room to extend into the Manly Wharf corridor - Hugo's Restaurant - 163234 (Submitted: 15/05/2018)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2018/0196
Modification of Development Consent DA0142/2011 granted for alterations and additions to Manly Wharf (Submitted: 18/04/2018)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2017/0340
Modification of Development Consent DA0142/2011 granted for construction of a first floor addition to the existing Manly Wharf structure including restaurant tenancies and changes to the ground floor including new retail tenancies (Submitted: 21/12/2017)
Section 455 Modifications S96 233/2013 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved outdoor seating for Hugo’s Restaurant - Shop 210 – Part 2 (Submitted: 01/12/2017)
Construction Certificate 11.2011.142.2
Section 96 to modify approved Construction of a first floor addition to the existing Manly Wharf structure including two (2) restaurant tenancies and changes to the ground floor including two (2) new retail tenancies - involving modifications to the approved first floor addition, addition of new lifts, new stairs, increase to floor area of two (2) restaurant tenancies, addition of outdoor seating areas and modification to conditions 1 in relation to the architectural plans, 3 in relation to provision of outdoor seating, 90 in relation to outdoor eating area and deletion of condition 86 in relation to addition doors - Manly Wharf - Part 2 (Submitted: 15/08/2017)
Construction Certificate CC 142/2011
AMENDED PLANS - Construction of a first floor addition to the existing Manly Wharf structure including four (4) restaurant tenancies with plant rooms and changes to the ground floor including two (2) new retail tenancies (Submitted: 20/06/2017)
Principal Certifier 29/2017
Construction of two staff locker rooms and one disabled bathroom at the back of house - Manly Wharf Hotel (Submitted: 08/06/2017)
Complying Development Certificate CC 29/2017
Construction of two staff locker rooms and one disabled bathroom at the back of house - Manly Wharf Hotel (Submitted: 07/03/2017)
Complying Development Certificate CC 17/2017
Alterations and additons to an existing Restaurant including additional store and cool room to extend into the Manly Wharf corridor - Hugo's Restaurant - CDC 163234 (Submitted: 13/02/2017)
Complying Development Certificate CC 110/2016
Fitout of Kiosk 4 Into Stone and Peel Kisok (Submitted: 05/08/2016)
Principal Certifier 109/2014
Alterations and additions to an existing commercial tenancy - Shop 11 - "Max Brenner", including internal fitout, new shopfront to the western and southern sides and signage - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 04/03/2016)
Construction Certificate CC 109/2014
Alterations and additions to an existing commercial tenancy - Shop 11 - "Max Brenner", including internal fitout, new shopfront to the western and southern sides and signage - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 29/10/2015)
Principal Certifier 59/2015
Removal and replacement of the existing mechanical plant equipment within the existing mechanical plant room - Aldi - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 23/10/2015)
Principal Certifier 265/2013
Extension of the existing Aldi store into an adjoining retail tenancy with internal alterations - Shops 24 and 24A - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 14/10/2015)
Construction Certificate CC 59/2015
Removal and replacement of the existing mechanical plant equipment within the existing mechanical plant room - Aldi - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 19/08/2015)
Complying Development Certificate CC 131/2015
Expansion of the existing Aldi store into the adjoining tenancy and internal alterations (Submitted: 12/08/2015)
Section 455 Modifications S96 167/2013 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 to modify Restaurant and bar fit out, internal layout alterations, refurbishment to the facade and extension of hours of operation .t.– Manly Wharf – Papi Chulo involving the deletion of condition ANS01 which limits the consent for a period of two (2) years – Part 2 (Submitted: 10/07/2015)
Construction Certificate CC 395/2008
Alterations and additions to Finger Wharf No 3 including new fixed ramp and two (2) adjustable access ramps (Submitted: 27/05/2015)
Section 455 Modifications S96 265/2013 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Extension of the existing Aldi store into an adjoining retail tenancy with internal alterations – Shops 24 and 24A – involving reconfiguration of the internal areas and alterations to the service corridor and illuminated signage - Part 2 (Submitted: 09/04/2015)
Development Application DA 59/2015
Removal and replacement of the existing mechanical plant equipment within the existing mechanical plant room - Aldi - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 27/03/2015)
Principal Certifier 233/2013
Outdoor seating for Hugo’s Restaurant to the existing public wharf along the south-western side area including three (3) umbrella’s, thirty-six (36) seats, alterations and additions to the stairs and enclosure of area - Manly Wharf - Shop 210 (Submitted: 19/01/2015)
Principal Certifier 150/2013
Internal alterations to the existing Aldi Store - Manly Wharf - Shop 24A (Submitted: 18/12/2014)
Construction Certificate CC 233/2013
Outdoor seating for Hugo’s Restaurant to the existing public wharf along the south-western side area including three (3) umbrella’s, thirty-six (36) seats, alterations and additions to the stairs and enclosure of area - Manly Wharf - Shop 210 (Submitted: 17/12/2014)
Construction Certificate CC 150/2013
Internal alterations to the existing Aldi Store - Manly Wharf - Shop 24A (Submitted: 03/10/2014)
Development Application DA 109/2014
Alterations and additions to an existing commercial tenancy - Shop 11 - "Max Brenner", including internal fitout, new shopfront to the western and southern sides and signage - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 19/06/2014)
Section 455 Modifications S96 142/2011 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Construction of a first floor addition to the existing Manly Wharf structure including two (2) restaurant tenancies and changes to the ground floor including two (2) new retail tenancies - involving modifications to the approved first floor addition, addition of new lifts, new stairs, increase to floor area of two (2) restaurant tenancies, addition of outdoor seating areas and modification to conditions 1 in relation to the architectural plans, 3 in relation to provision of outdoor seating, 90 in relation to outdoor eating area and deletion of condition 86 in relation to addition doors - Manly Wharf - Part 2 (Submitted: 30/05/2014)
Health and Building Certificates BC 1/2014
Building Certificate in respect to Unauthorised Works of the construction of three (3) block walls and storage areas to the basement car park - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 10/01/2014)
Development Application DA 265/2013
Extension of the existing Aldi store into an adjoining retail tenancy with internal alterations - Shops 24 and 24A - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 24/12/2013)
Principal Certifier 167/2013
Restaurant and bar fitout, internal layout alterations, refurbishment to the facade and extension of the hours of operation - Shops 22 and 23 - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 23/12/2013)
Development Application DA 269/2013
Regularisation of unauthorised building works and use of the car park level as a paid secure car park (Submitted: 20/12/2013)
Development Application DA 252/2013
Construction of a business identification sign and external lighting - Shops 22 and 23 - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 11/12/2013)
Section 455 Modifications S96 185/2001 (part 3-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Alterations, additions and refurbishment of the existing building - Manly Wharf - involving to change of use a basement carpark - Part 3 (Submitted: 05/12/2013)
Development Application DA 233/2013
Outdoor seating for Hugo’s Restaurant to the existing public wharf along the south-western side area including three (3) umbrella’s, thirty-six (36) seats, alterations and additions to the stairs and enclosure of area - Manly Wharf - Shop 210 (Submitted: 19/11/2013)
Construction Certificate CC 167/2013
Restaurant and bar fitout, internal layout alterations, refurbishment to the facade and extension of the hours of operation - Shops 22 and 23 - Manly Wharf] (Submitted: 28/10/2013)
Development Application DA 167/2013
Restaurant and bar fitout, internal layout alterations, refurbishment to the facade and extension of the hours of operation - Shops 22 and 23 - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 22/08/2013)
Development Application DA 150/2013
Internal alterations to the existing Aldi Store - Manly Wharf - Shop 24A (Submitted: 30/07/2013)
Development Application DA 149/2013
Alterations and additions to the existing Manly Wharf Hotel including new stairs to the deck (Submitted: 30/07/2013)
Principal Certifier 250/2012
Shop fitout, signage, outdoor seating area, licensed premises and extend the hours of operation - Tenancy 14 - Guzman Y Gomez, Mexican Taqueria - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 18/03/2013)
Construction Certificate CC 250/2012
Shop fitout, signage, outdoor seating area, licensed premises and extend the hours of operation - Tenancy 14 - Guzman Y Gomez, Mexican Taqueria - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 30/01/2013)
Development Application DA 250/2012
Shop fitout, signage, outdoor seating area, licensed premises and extend the hours of operation - Tenancy 14 - Guzman Y Gomez, Mexican Taqueria - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 09/11/2012)
Development Application DA 216/2012
AMENDED PLANS - Alterations and additions to the existing Manly Wharf Hotel including the extension of the awning to the eastern verandah, roll up blinds and the extension of operational hours of the eastern deck to midnight (12.00am) (Submitted: 02/10/2012)
Development Application DA 135/2012
Alterations to the Manly Wharf Hotel including the conversion of part of the existing Lounge Bar into an indoor and partially outdoor Gaming Room area and revise entrance on the northern side of the hotel - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 22/06/2012)
Development Application DA 142/2011
AMENDED PLANS - Construction of a first floor addition to the existing Manly Wharf structure including four (4) restaurant tenancies with plant rooms and changes to the ground floor including two (2) new retail tenancies (Submitted: 07/06/2011)
Development Application DA 55/2011
Change of use of Shop 10 to common seating area, fit out and change of use, and fit out of Shop 9 to a Thai take-away - Chat Thai (Submitted: 16/03/2011)
Development Application DA 366/2010
Consolidation of Shops 9 and 10 and a change of use to a Restaurant - Chat Thai (Submitted: 08/11/2010)
Section 455 Modifications S96 238/2002 (part 6-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved closing hours of the Manly Wharf Hotel restaurant deck and south facing deck from 10.00pm extended to 12.00midnight Monday to Sunday (Submitted: 21/09/2010)
Principal Certifier 331/2009
Shop fitout of Kiosk 1 - Gloria Jean’s Coffees (Submitted: 06/05/2010)
Principal Certifier 279/2008
Pergola over existing outdoor seating area at the southernmost end of the Bavarian Bier Café (Shops 2, 3, 4 & 5) (Submitted: 21/04/2010)
Construction Certificate CC 331/2009
Shop fitout of Kiosk 1 - Gloria Jean’s Coffees (Submitted: 25/03/2010)
Section 455 Modifications S96 267/2007 (part 3-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Fitout if Shop 210 for use as a restaurant including proposed outdoor dining area and new awning - Extension of operating hours for outdoor area (Submitted: 16/03/2010)
Principal Certifier 219/2009
New Kiosk area, establishment of use as a food shop (Easy way iced tea outlet) and fitout - Kiosk 4 (Submitted: 27/01/2010)
Construction Certificate CC 219/2009
New Kiosk area, establishment of use as a food shop (Easy way iced tea outlet) and fitout - Kiosk 4 (Submitted: 04/01/2010)
Construction Certificate CC 247/2009
Shop fitout of Shops 12-13 and signage - Humphreys Newsagency (Submitted: 27/10/2009)
Development Application DA 331/2009
Shop fitout of Kiosk 1 - Gloria Jean’s Coffees (Submitted: 26/10/2009)
Development Application DA 247/2009
Shop fitout of Shops 12-13 and signage - Humphreys Newsagency (Submitted: 18/08/2009)
Development Application DA 219/2009
New Kiosk area, establishment of use as a food shop (Easy way iced tea outlet) and fitout - Kiosk 4 (Submitted: 21/07/2009)
Principal Certifier 267/2007
Fitout to Shop 210 for use as a Restaurant including proposed outdoor dining area and new awning - Hugo's restaurant (Submitted: 25/06/2009)
Development Application DA 180/2009
Extension to outdoor seating for Hugo’s Restaurant, along south-western side of Manly Wharf - Shop 210 (Submitted: 23/06/2009)
Construction Certificate CC 279/2008
Pergola over existing outdoor seating area at the southernmost end of the Bavarian Bier Café (Shops 2, 3, 4 & 5) (Submitted: 19/06/2009)
Section 455 Modifications S96 267/2007 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Fitout if Shop 210 for use as a restaurant including proposed outdoor dining area and new awning (Submitted: 11/06/2009)
Principal Certifier 7/2008
Additional Outdoor Eating seating for approved Hugo’s Restaurant with outdoor seating (Submitted: 06/02/2009)
Principal Certifier 183/2008
Shop fit out and internal seating area of a Nando's Chicken Shop (Submitted: 04/11/2008)
Development Application DA 395/2008
Alterations and additions to Finger Wharf No 3 including new fixed ramp and two (2) adjustable access ramps (Submitted: 27/10/2008)
Construction Certificate 11.2008.183.2
Shop fit out and internal seating area of a Nando's Chicken Shop (Submitted: 03/10/2008)
Construction Certificate CC 183/2008
Shop fit out and internal seating area of a Nando's Chicken Shop (Submitted: 15/09/2008)
Section 455 Modifications S96 183/2008 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Shop fitout and internal seating area of a Nando's Chicken Shop (Submitted: 02/09/2008)
Development Application DA 279/2008
Pergola over existing outdoor seating area at the southernmost end of the Bavarian Bier Café (Shops 2, 3, 4 & 5) (Submitted: 05/08/2008)
Development Application DA 242/2008
Two (2) illuminated neon signs for Hugo’s Restaurant at Manly Wharf (Submitted: 11/07/2008)
Development Application DA 183/2008
Shop fit out and internal seating area of a Nando's Chicken Shop (Submitted: 11/06/2008)
Construction Certificate CC 7/2008
Additional Outdoor Eating seating for approved Hugo’s Restaurant with outdoor seating (Submitted: 02/06/2008)
Development Application DA 128/2008
External seating area - bavarian Beer Cafe (Submitted: 23/04/2008)
Development Application DA 41/2008
Change of use from Retail shop to Massage Therapist Shop (Submitted: 22/02/2008)
Development Application DA 9/2008
Consolidate shops 16, 17 and part of 24. Works to include new shop fronts and installation of a Retail Food Area (Submitted: 15/01/2008)
Section 455 Modifications S96 53/2003 (part 5-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Restaurant Fitout - Baverian Beir Cafe (Submitted: 14/01/2008)
Development Application DA 7/2008
Additional Outdoor Eating seating for approved Hugo’s Restaurant with outdoor seating (Submitted: 10/01/2008)
Construction Certificate CC 267/2007
Fitout to Shop 210 for use as a Restaurant including proposed outdoor dining area and new awning - Hugo's restaurant (Submitted: 09/01/2008)
Section 455 Modifications S96 238/2002 (part 5-modification)
Section 96 to modify hours of operation for the Manly Wharf Hotel (Submitted: 26/09/2007)
Development Application DA 374/2007
Take Away - Juice Shop - Boost Juice - Shop 21 (Submitted: 25/09/2007)
Development Application DA 267/2007
Fitout to Shop 210 for use as a Restaurant including proposed outdoor dining area and new awning - Hugo's restaurant (Submitted: 16/08/2007)
Development Application DA 446/2006
Fitout and occupation for the purpose of a cafe including signage (Submitted: 09/10/2006)
Construction Certificate CC 321/2006
Change of Use for a new accessories shop (Submitted: 04/10/2006)
Development Application DA 321/2006
Change of Use for a new accessories shop (Submitted: 02/08/2006)
Development Application DA 222/2006
Installation of seating barriers around existing tables and chairs for McDonalds Restaurant - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 30/05/2006)
Principal Certifier 53/2003
S96 Modification alts & adds to shop including demolition of awning. (Submitted: 09/05/2006)
Construction Certificate CC 53/2003
S96 Modification alts & adds to shop including demolition of awning. (Submitted: 09/05/2006)
Construction Certificate CC 421/2005
Shop 6- Occupation and fitout of Shop 6 for the purposes of a retail chicken shop (Submitted: 12/12/2005)
Principal Certifier 421/2005
Shop 6- Occupation and fitout of Shop 6 for the purposes of a retail chicken shop (Submitted: 04/11/2005)
Development Application DA 421/2005
Shop 6- Occupation and fitout of Shop 6 for the purposes of a retail chicken shop (Submitted: 17/10/2005)
Construction Certificate CC 374/2005
Shop 9- Occupation of shop 9 for retail food outlet & signage (Submitted: 04/10/2005)
Development Application DA 402/2005
Shop 2-5 - Erection of signage ( 'Baviarian Bier Cafe' ) (Submitted: 30/09/2005)
Section 455 Modifications S96 49/2004 (part 3-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Upgrade works to Manly Wharf for improved operational ferry services (Submitted: 13/09/2005)
Development Application DA 374/2005
Shop 9- Occupation of shop 9 for retail food outlet & signage (Submitted: 07/09/2005)
Section 455 Modifications S96 53/2003 (part 4-modification)
S96 Modification alts & adds to shop including demolition of awning. (Submitted: 28/04/2005)
Development Application DA 170/2005
Shop Fitout and Signage (Submitted: 27/04/2005)
Section 455 Modifications S96 49/2004 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 Modification for Manly Wharf upgrade works (Submitted: 03/12/2004)
Section 455 Modifications S96 53/2003 (part 3-modification)
S.96 Mod. - internal layout & access changes & trading hours extended (Submitted: 12/11/2004)
Section 455 Modifications S96 238/2002 (part 4-modification)
S.96 Mod. to add blinds to 3 external umbrellas at Manly Wharf Hotel (Submitted: 04/11/2004)
Development Application DA 403/2004
Downsize & refurbishment of an existing retail & signage - BAYSWISS (Submitted: 19/08/2004)
Development Application DA 396/2004
Refurbishment of an existing retail to new retail Aldi-(Old Bay Swiss) (Submitted: 19/08/2004)
Development Application DA 370/2004
Shop 7 - Change to "Subway" takeaway & the equipment, decor & signage (Submitted: 03/08/2004)
Development Application DA 198/2004
New Licensed Restaurant, signage, in/external works & outdoor seating (Submitted: 21/04/2004)
Development Application DA 58/2004
Upgrade of Jetty Facilities - Manly Wharf East Jetty - - Improve to charter boat area-safety fencing, equipment, lighting & etc (Submitted: 28/01/2004)
Development Application DA 49/2004
Upgrade Works to Manly Wharf for improved operational ferry services. (Submitted: 14/01/2004)
Development Application DA 43/2004
New tables, chairs & sunscreens in two seperate locations (Submitted: 09/01/2004)
Development Application DA 505/2003
Enclosure of Deck of Eastern side of the Wharf Hotel from 10.00pm (Submitted: 21/10/2003)
Development Application DA 473/2003
Alterations and Additions to Roof - Installation of Air Conditioning Units - Manly Wharf Hotel (Submitted: 30/09/2003)
Section 455 Modifications S96 424/2003 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 Modification to approved Mechanical Ventilation System (Submitted: 18/09/2003)
Section 455 Modifications S96 275/2003 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 Shop Fit-out - Chinese Restaurant (Submitted: 18/09/2003)
Development Application DA 424/2003
Mechanical Ventation of Shops 22 & 23 - Chinese Restaurant (Submitted: 10/09/2003)
Construction Certificate CC 275/2003
Refurbishment Fitout - Restaurant - Shop 22 & 23 Manly Wharf (Submitted: 06/08/2003)
Construction Certificate CC 226/2003
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Shop Fitout (Submitted: 10/07/2003)
Development Application 10.2003.53.2
Section 96 - Shop Fitout (Submitted: 07/07/2003)
Development Application DA 275/2003
Refurbishment Fitout - Restaurant - Shop 22 & 23 Manly Wharf (Submitted: 28/05/2003)
Development Application DA 226/2003
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Shop Fitout (Submitted: 06/05/2003)
Section 455 Modifications S96 488/2002 (part 2-modification)
Refurbishment Shop Fitout (Submitted: 11/04/2003)
Section 455 Modifications S96 238/2002 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Fit out for a hotel, interior alterations, external seating and servery Rotunda - Manly Wharf Hotel (Submitted: 01/04/2003)
Section 455 Modifications S96 238/2002 (part 3-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Fit out for a hotel, interior alterations, external seating and servery Rotunda - Manly Wharf Hotel (Submitted: 01/04/2003)
Section 455 Modifications S96 558/2002 (part 2-modification)
New Building Shop Fitout (Submitted: 14/02/2003)
Development Application DA 53/2003
Restaurant fitout (Bistro Picasso) Shops 2-5 Manly Wharf (Submitted: 10/02/2003)
Section 455 Modifications S96 533/2002 (part 2-modification)
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Advertising Structure (Submitted: 24/01/2003)
Construction Certificate CC 526/2002
New Building Food Shop Shop 8 Japanese Takeaway (Submitted: 23/01/2003)
Construction Certificate CC 20/2003
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Advertising Structure (Submitted: 20/01/2003)
Development Application DA 20/2003
Exterior Signage - Manly Wharf Hotel (Submitted: 16/01/2003)
Development Application DA 625/2002
New Building Shop Fitout Shop 7 Breads of France (Submitted: 17/12/2002)
Construction Certificate CC 489/2002
New Building Shop Fitout (Submitted: 09/12/2002)
Construction Certificate CC 491/2002
Shop Fit Out- Manly Wharf- Shop 10 - Chat Thai Takeaway (Submitted: 05/12/2002)
Development Application DA 558/2002
New Building Shop Fitout Kiosk 1 (Submitted: 06/11/2002)
Principal Certifier 185/2001
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Commercial Development (Submitted: 05/11/2002)
Development Application DA 547/2002
New Building Food Shop - Shop 6 Chargrill Charlie's (Submitted: 01/11/2002)
Development Application DA 533/2002
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Advertising Structure (Submitted: 24/10/2002)
Development Application DA 528/2002
New Building Restaurant-Picasso Bistro (Submitted: 22/10/2002)
Development Application DA 526/2002
New Building Food Shop Shop 8 Japanese Takeaway (Submitted: 22/10/2002)
Development Application DA 492/2002
Shop Fitout - Manly Wharf - Shop 9 - Lebanese Takeaway Shop (Submitted: 04/10/2002)
Development Application DA 491/2002
Shop Fit Out- Manly Wharf- Shop 10 - Chat Thai Takeaway (Submitted: 04/10/2002)
Construction Certificate CC 488/2002
Refurbishment Commercial Development(TENNANT 16)FITOUT FOOD PREMISES (Submitted: 04/10/2002)
Construction Certificate CC 492/2002
Shop Fitout - Manly Wharf - Shop 9 - Lebanese Takeaway Shop (Submitted: 04/10/2002)
Development Application DA 489/2002
New Building Shop Fitout Chocolate/cooffee shop for Shop 11 (Submitted: 03/10/2002)
Development Application DA 488/2002
Refurbishment Commercial Development(TENNANT 16)FITOUT FOOD PREMISES (Submitted: 03/10/2002)
Development Application DA 487/2002
Refurbishment Commercial Development(LOTS 12 AND 13) Newsagency (Submitted: 03/10/2002)
Construction Certificate 11.2001.185.5
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Commercial Development (Submitted: 22/08/2002)
Construction Certificate 11.2001.185.4
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Commercial Development (Submitted: 21/08/2002)
Section 455 Modifications S96 138/2001 (part 2-modification)
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Alterations & Additions to Dwe (Submitted: 19/08/2002)
Construction Certificate CC 185/2001
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Commercial Development (Submitted: 15/08/2002)
Development Application DA 375/2002
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Commercial Development Kiosk 2 (ice-cream store) (Submitted: 14/08/2002)
Development Application DA 238/2002
Fit out for a hotel, interior alterations, external seating and servery Rotunda - Manly Wharf Hotel (Submitted: 07/06/2002)
Construction Certificate 11.2001.185.3
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Commercial Development (Submitted: 18/04/2002)
Construction Certificate 11.2001.185.2
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Commercial Development (Submitted: 18/02/2002)
Section 455 Modifications S96 185/2001 (part 2-modification)
Alteration and/or Additions to existing Commercial Development - Interchange (Submitted: 07/11/2001)
Development Application DA 185/2001
Refurbishmnt Retail Development (Submitted: 14/05/2001)
Development Application DA 138/2001
DA0138/01 shop fit out - supermarket, licensed cafe & bottleshop (Submitted: 18/04/2001)
Development Application DA 426/2000
DA0426/00 McDonalds Shop Fitout (Submitted: 19/09/2000)
Development Application DA 340/2000
DA0340/00 Harbour cruise application (Submitted: 01/08/2000)
Development Application DA 167/2000
DA0167/00 Refurbishment of Retail Area (Submitted: 19/04/2000)
Development Application DA 407/1999
Alterations, additions and Refurbishment of the existing building - Manly Wharf (Submitted: 09/08/1999)
Development Application DA 1107/1998
Stage 1 - Alterations and additions to the existing Manly Wharf Building (Submitted: 28/08/1998)
Section 455 Modifications S96 430/1997
DA0430/97 Manly Wharf Interchange (Submitted: 31/10/1997)
Section 455 Modifications S96 385/1997
DA0385/97 Hotel Development (Submitted: 03/10/1997)
Development Application DA 169/1997
DA0169/97 Changbe to Gift & Novelty shop - Shop 206 (Submitted: 09/05/1997)
Development Application DA 108/1997
DA0108/97 Change of use to Sushi bar (Submitted: 21/03/1997)
Development Application DA 94/1997
DA0094/97 fast food outlet - sushi bar - Shop 217 (Submitted: 21/03/1997)
Section 455 Modifications S96 462/1996
Major Alterations and additions to Manly Wharf (Submitted: 28/11/1996)
Section 455 Modifications S96 320/1996
DA0320/96 Change of use to gifts and souvenirs - Shop 203 (Submitted: 13/09/1996)
Section 455 Modifications S96 91/1996
Use of Existing Shop Premises for Retail of Condoms & other Adult Items - Shop 246 - Refused - 23/04/96 (Submitted: 19/03/1996)
Section 455 Modifications S96 43/1996
DA0043/96 Restaurant - addn of weatherproof, demountable side curtains - Armstrong's Restaurant - Shop 213 (Submitted: 09/02/1996)
Section 455 Modifications S96 370/1995
DA0370/95 Upgrade of existing awning to outdoor Restaurant Area - Armstrong's Restaurant - Shop 213 (Submitted: 05/12/1995)
Section 455 Modifications S96 316/1995
DA0316/95 Conversion of existing retail into carparking (Submitted: 17/10/1995)
Section 455 Modifications S96 34/1995
DA0034/95 Glazed timber bi-fold doors (Submitted: 22/02/1995)
Section 455 Modifications S96 27/1995
DA0027/95 Takeaway Coffee Shop (Submitted: 14/02/1995)
Section 455 Modifications S96 463/1994
DA0463/94 Internal Refurbishment of Retail Corridor (Submitted: 13/10/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 464/1994
DA0464/94 Advertising Sign (Submitted: 13/10/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 452/1994
DA0452/94 Glass Wall Echidna Restaurant (Submitted: 07/10/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 360/1994
DA0360/94 Pharmacy (Submitted: 10/08/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 311/1994
DA0311/94 Dry Cleaners (Submitted: 15/07/1994)
Development Application DA 271/1994
DA0271/94 Berthing System for Ferries & Jetcat (Submitted: 24/06/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 254/1994
DA0254/94 Shop 256 Pie Shop (Submitted: 17/06/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 249/1994
DA0249/94 Body Shop (Submitted: 10/06/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 193/1994
DA0193/94 Relocate Angus & Robertson (Submitted: 12/05/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 281/1994
DA0281/94 Food Shop to Booking Office (Submitted: 29/04/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 264/1994
DA0264/94 Booking Office (Submitted: 28/04/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 481/1993
DA0481/93 Retrofit to Shopping Centre (Submitted: 23/12/1993)
Section 455 Modifications S96 372/1993
DA0372/93 Canopy & Awning (Submitted: 20/10/1993)
Development Application DA 360/1993
DA0360/93 Alts & Adds New Entry Etc (Submitted: 01/10/1993)
Section 455 Modifications S96 298/1993
DA0298/93 Sun Shade Canopy & Market Stall Canopy (Submitted: 24/08/1993)
Section 455 Modifications S96 297/1993
DA0297/93 New Entry for Tilt (Submitted: 24/08/1993)
Section 455 Modifications S96 284/1993
DA0284/93 Fabric Warehouse (Submitted: 13/08/1993)
Section 455 Modifications S96 245/1993
DA0245/93 Fashion Shop (Submitted: 12/07/1993)
Section 455 Modifications S96 220/1993
DA0220/93 Passenger Terminal (Submitted: 22/06/1993)
Section 455 Modifications S96 219/1993
DA0219/93 Flagpole & Canopy for Markets (Submitted: 22/06/1993)
Section 455 Modifications S96 151/1993
DA0151/93 Tuk Tuk Office (Submitted: 11/05/1993)
Development Application DA 5538/1992
DA5538/92 Mcdonalds (Submitted: 03/11/1992)