Principal Certifier NOC2023/0429
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling house.
(Submitted: 18/05/2023)
Construction Certificate CC2023/0497
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling house 1264/2016A
(Submitted: 09/05/2023)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0504
CC1: Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling house - Demolition works only - 1264/2016
(Submitted: 03/06/2020)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2020/0049
Modification of Development Consent DA2018/0764 granted for alterations and additions to the existing dwelling house
(Submitted: 11/02/2020)
Development Application DA2018/0764
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling house.
(Submitted: 10/05/2018)
Development Application Tree 115/2017
Remove Gum tree letter from Applicant states arborist informed that the tree is in ill health
(Submitted: 21/08/2017)
Development Application DA 608/2003
Replacement of leaking roof, with grey colourbond.
(Submitted: 23/12/2003)