Principal Certifier OC2024/1309
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling house
(Submitted: 13/12/2024)
Principal Certifier NOC2022/0791
Removal of 2 internal walls and a door, Installation of sliding door, Installation of 2 windows, Construction of a pergola.
(Submitted: 01/08/2022)
Principal Certifier PCA2022/0060
Removal of 2 internal walls and a door, Installation of sliding door, Installation of 2 windows, Construction of a pergola.
(Submitted: 30/06/2022)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2022/0503
Removal of 2 internal walls and a door, Installation of sliding door, Installation of 2 windows, Construction of a pergola.
(Submitted: 31/05/2022)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2019/0244
Modification of Development Consent DA0359/2016 granted for alterations and additions to the existing dwelling house
(Submitted: 23/05/2019)
Principal Certifier PCA2018/0095
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including the construction of detached double garage at front of the property, internal alterations and additional of porch
(Submitted: 10/04/2018)
Construction Certificate CC2018/0207
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling house including the construction of detached double garage at front of the property, internal alterations and addition of porch.
(Submitted: 22/02/2018)
Development Application DA 359/2016
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling house
(Submitted: 20/12/2016)