Principal Certifier OC2024/0450
Construction of a mixed use development comprising 59 self-storage units and 24 light industrial units - 21/0206-04
(Submitted: 16/05/2024)
Construction Certificate CC2024/0281
CC3: Building works associated with the modified Stormwater design. - Construction of a mixed use development comprising 59 self-storage units and 24 light industrial units - Modified CC - 21-/0206-03
(Submitted: 14/03/2024)
Construction Certificate CC2023/1066
Construction of a mixed use development comprising 59 self-storage units and 24 light industrial units - CC - 21-/0206-02
(Submitted: 06/10/2023)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2023/0711
Boundary adjustment or rectification of an encroachment. CDC - 2023-294
(Submitted: 27/09/2023)
Construction Certificate CC2023/0896
Construction of a mixed use development comprising 59 self-storage units and 24 light industrial units - CC1: Bulk excavation, shoring and piling - 21/0206-01 - Class 5, 7b & 8
(Submitted: 18/08/2023)
Development Application DA2021/0619
Construction of a mixed use development comprising 59 self-storage units and 24 light industrial units
(Submitted: 20/05/2021)
Development Application DA2020/1039
Use of premises as a Transport Depot (Bus Depot)
(Submitted: 07/09/2020)
Development Application DA2019/0268
Use of land as an ancillary recreation area for the warehouse and distribution centre
(Submitted: 20/03/2019)
Public Exhibition Document PP0004/16
(Submitted: 06/12/2016)
Construction Certificate CC0448/16
Relocating two (2) shipping containers to the site and using them for the purpose of a storage premises, excluding ten (10) concrete piers/footings for the support of shipping containers
(Submitted: 31/10/2016)
Development Application N0316/16
Relocating two (2) shipping containers to the site and using them for the purpose of a storage premises
(Submitted: 25/07/2016)
Development Application N0667/07
New industrial building containing a child care centre
(Submitted: 08/11/2007)
Development Application N0583/06
a factory unit complex consisting of 29 strata titled units over 2 levels and mezzanine and associated carparking
(Submitted: 26/09/2006)
Development Application N0254/05
waste storage, handling and recycling depot
(Submitted: 18/05/2005)