Section 455 Modifications Mod2021/0996
Modification of Development Consent DA2018/0401 granted for The erection of a part two and part three storey boarding house.
(Submitted: 06/01/2022)
Development Application DA2021/1039
Demolition works and the construction of a boarding house development
(Submitted: 12/07/2021)
Reviews REV2018/0035
Review of Determination of Application DA2018/0401 for construction of a Boarding house with 24 rooms including a managers residence
(Submitted: 07/12/2018)
Development Application DA2018/0401
Construction of a Boarding house with 27 rooms including a managers residence.
(Submitted: 15/03/2018)
Development Application DA2015/0116
Removal/Pruning of 3-5 Trees
(Submitted: 17/02/2015)
Converted Fujitsu DA2003/0984
Additions Extend Existing Balcony
13/01/2006 Final Final Inspection
(Submitted: 08/08/2003)
Converted Fujitsu DA2000/5177
Erection O F Self Care Accomodation *plan Available*
(Submitted: 10/11/2000)