Principal Certifier OC2025/0057
Whole OC: Alteration and addition of unit 3. Demolition of the existing garage roof. Rebuild new garage roof comprising an extension for unit 3 above. Creation of a new storage room for strata to existing garage. Creation of a new fence around the property. Subdivision of Strata Plan - 230194
(Submitted: 21/01/2025)
Principal Certifier OC2024/1320
RETURNED - New driveway & crossover to building. New timber boundary fence & landscaping. - OC PROCESSED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT IN ERROR
(Submitted: 13/12/2024)
Principal Certifier NOC2024/0900
Alterations and additions to a residential flat building to create parking spaces
(Submitted: 05/09/2024)
Construction Certificate CC2024/0936
Alterations and additions to a residential flat building to create parking spaces - 220247/01
(Submitted: 02/09/2024)
Permits TA2023/0340
No appointment required
(Submitted: 04/08/2023)
Development Application DA2021/2641
Alterations and additions to a residential flat building to create parking spaces
(Submitted: 02/02/2022)