Development Application DA2023/1224
Alterations and additions to the existing garden centre
(Submitted: 21/09/2023)
Development Application DA2022/0456
WITHDRAWN - Demolition of existing structures and construction of new buildings for the purpose of a retail garden centre, cafe, pet store and fruit store with associated parking and landscaping
(Submitted: 05/05/2022)
Converted Fujitsu DA2005/1002
Relocation and Enlargement of Existing Retail Plant Nursey Building
(Submitted: 20/10/2005)
Converted Fujitsu DA2005/0969
(Submitted: 10/10/2005)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/1814/1
Modification 1
(Submitted: 19/09/2005)
Converted Fujitsu DA2002/1814
Alterations and Additions to Existing Retail Nursery
(Submitted: 29/11/2002)
Converted Fujitsu DA1998/0116
Alts. and Additions to Existing Retail Plant Nursery and Cafe - Altera (also Known as: 277 Mona Vale Road,mona Vale)
(Submitted: 22/07/1998)