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Application Number: PEX2024/0003

Planning Proposal - Planning Proposal to amend Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2011 by: rezoning the land from RE1 Public Recreation to E4 General Industrial, applying a maximum building height of 11m on the Height of Buildings Map, applying a minimum lot size of 4,000sqm on the Lot Size Map, and listing the land in Part 2 of Schedule 4 to reclassify the land as Operational.

Notification Period: 03/06/24 to 16/06/24

Ms Moretti

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Planning Proposal to amend Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2011 by: rezoning the land from RE1 Public Recreation to E4 General Industrial, applying a maximum building height of 11m on the Height of Buildings Map, applying a minimum lot size of 4,000sqm on the Lot Size Map, and listing the land in Part 2 of Schedule 4 to reclassify the land as Operational. <p><b>Notification Period: </b>03/06/24 to 16/06/24 </p> (Submitted: 10/05/2024)
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