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Application Number: DA2025/0085

New - Stratum subdivision of one lot into two lots
Application Type:
Development Application
Under Assessment
Cost of Work:
$ 0
Kye Miles

Related Applications:
There are no related applications.

Other Applications
Development Application DA2025/0085
Stratum subdivision of one lot into two lots (Submitted: 27/02/2025)
Construction Certificate CC2024/0970
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a mixed-use development comprising of retail uses and shop top housing containing 49 dwellings, basement car parking for 238 vehicle spaces, landscaping and a central public square - 210867/4 (Submitted: 13/09/2024)
Principal Certifier NOC2024/0881
Notice of Commencement of Work - 9/9/2024 - Demolition works and construction of a shop top housing development comprising retail premises, 49 dwellings, basement carparking and landscaping - CC210867/4 (Submitted: 05/09/2024)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2024/0473
Modification of Development Consent DA2020/0393 granted for demolition works and construction of a shop top housing development comprising retail premises, 49 dwellings, basement carparking and landscaping (Submitted: 30/08/2024)
Principal Certifier NOC2024/0379
Stage 3a - Demolition works and construction of a shop top housing development comprising retail premises, 49 dwellings, basement carparking and landscaping - CC210867/3a (Submitted: 18/04/2024)
Construction Certificate CC2024/0403
Demolition works and construction of a shop top housing development comprising retail premises, 49 dwellings, basement carparking and landscaping - CC MOD 210867/3a (Submitted: 12/04/2024)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2024/0079
Modification of Development Consent DA2020/0393 granted for Demolition works and construction of a shop top housing development comprising retail premises, 49 dwellings, basement carparking and landscaping (Submitted: 18/03/2024)
Construction Certificate CC2023/1167
Demolition works and construction of a shop top housing development comprising retail premises, 49 dwellings, basement carparking and landscaping Stage 2 - Shoring, capping beam, remainder of the excavation and construction of shoring walls only 210867/2 - Class 2, 6, 7a & 7b (Submitted: 01/11/2023)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2022/0559
Modification of Development Consent DA2020/0393 granted for Demolition works and construction of a shop top housing development comprising retail premises, 49 dwellings, basement carparking and landscaping (Submitted: 10/10/2022)
Principal Certifier NOC2022/1017
Demolition works and construction of a shop top housing development comprising retail premises, 49 dwellings, basement carparking and landscaping - CC210867/1 (Submitted: 26/09/2022)
Construction Certificate CC2022/1025
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a mixed-use development comprising of retail uses and shop top housing containing 49 dwellings, basement car parking for 238 vehicle spaces, landscaping and a central public square - 210867/1 (Submitted: 26/09/2022)
Development Application DA2020/0393
Demolition works and construction of a shop top housing development comprising retail premises, 49 dwellings, basement carparking and landscaping (Submitted: 24/04/2020)
Development Application DA2019/1427
Construction of a mixed use development, including demolition of existing structures (Submitted: 12/12/2019)
Public Exhibition Document PEX2017/0007
Planning Proposal to amend Warringah LEP 2011 to increase the maximum height of buildings permitted on the site from 8.5m to part 9m and part 15m, and to allow for 'multi-dwelling housing' and 'residential flat building' as additional permitted uses. Council is progressing an amended Planning Proposal that permits additional land uses of 'residential flat building' and 'multi-dwelling housing' on that part of the land fronting Lockwood Ave only and prohibiting the granting of development consent for a residential flat building or multi-dwelling housing on the land unless a 0.5:1 Floor Space Ratio is provided on the site for commercial premises. (Submitted: 02/08/2017)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2022/0519
WITHDRAWN - Modification of Development Consent DA2020/0393 granted for Demolition works and construction of a shop top housing development comprising retail premises, 49 dwellings, basement carparking and landscaping