Principal Certifier OC2024/0974
Alterations and additions to an existing building (business premises) and signage - 4/0170/01
(Submitted: 21/10/2024)
Principal Certifier OC2024/0969
Alterations and additions to an existing building (business premises) and signage including changes as approved by Mod2024/0495 - 24/0170/01
(Submitted: 18/10/2024)
Construction Certificate CC2024/1080
MODIFIED - Alterations and additions to an existing building (business premises) and signage - 24/0170/02
(Submitted: 04/10/2024)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2024/0495
Modification of Development Consent DA2024/0539 granted for Alterations and additions to an existing building (business premises) and signage
(Submitted: 18/09/2024)
Principal Certifier NOC2024/0846
Alterations and additions to an existing building (business premises) and signage
(Submitted: 29/08/2024)
Construction Certificate CC2024/0826
Alterations and additions to an existing building (business premises) and signage - 24/0170/01
(Submitted: 05/08/2024)
Development Application DA2024/0539
Alterations and additions to an existing building (business premises) and signage
(Submitted: 15/05/2024)
Development Application DA2022/1526
Alterations and additions to an existing pub
(Submitted: 21/09/2022)
Development Application DA2022/0643
Alterations and additions to the existing building to allow for shop-top housing and a pub
(Submitted: 19/05/2022)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2022/0104
Modification of Development Consent DA2019/0574 granted for Change of use to a pub, alterations and additions to the premises, fitout and signage
(Submitted: 23/03/2022)
Development Application DA2021/0019
termination of the existing strata plans and subdivision of one lot into two
(Submitted: 28/01/2021)
Development Application DA2020/1711
Alterations and additions to an existing shop top housing development
(Submitted: 29/12/2020)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2019/0558
Modification of Development Consent DA2019/0574 granted for Change of use to a pub alterations and additions to the premises fitout and signage
(Submitted: 12/11/2019)
Development Application DA2019/0574
Change of use to a pub, alterations and additions to the premises, fitout and signage
(Submitted: 05/06/2019)
Development Application DA2019/0512
Alterations and Additions to an existing Shop Top Housing Development
(Submitted: 23/05/2019)
Construction Certificate CC2019/0101
Demolition works and signage - BPB2376/2019-0002-0
(Submitted: 05/02/2019)
Principal Certifier FOC2019/0986
Demolition works and signage - BPB2376/2019-0002-0
(Submitted: 01/02/2019)
Development Application DA2018/1263
Demolition works and signage
(Submitted: 27/07/2018)
Principal Certifier FOC2018/0240
Alterations and additions to the existing commercial premises
(Submitted: 27/02/2018)
Construction Certificate CC2018/0010
Alterations and additions to the existing commercial premises - CC/116827
(Submitted: 19/12/2017)
Development Application DA2017/1210
Alterations additions to an existing commercial premises
(Submitted: 14/12/2017)
Development Application DA 267/2017
Alterations and additions to the existing commercial premises
(Submitted: 23/11/2017)
Principal Certifier 20/2013
Change of use to a Take Away food premises and fitout - (Salad Bar - known as Banana Blossom Asian Salads) - Shop 2
(Submitted: 09/08/2013)
Construction Certificate CC 20/2013
Change of use to a Take Away food premises and fitout - (Salad Bar - known as Banana Blossom Asian Salads) - Shop 2
(Submitted: 27/05/2013)
Principal Certifier 12.2008.196.2
Alteration and additions to the Ivanhoe Hotel and Part of 19-29 The Corso, including new façade, coffee shop, poker machine area, bottle shop and TAB
(Submitted: 20/03/2013)
Development Application DA 20/2013
Change of use to a Take Away food premises and fitout - (Salad Bar - known as Banana Blossom Asian Salads) - Shop 2
(Submitted: 14/02/2013)
Development Application DA 307/2012
Alterations and additions to an existing building, painting of the facade, replace windows, new sun shades to the new windows and upgrades to the facade
(Submitted: 27/12/2012)
Construction Certificate 11.2008.196.2
Alteration and additions to the Ivanhoe Hotel and Part of 19-29 The Corso, including new façade, coffee shop, poker machine area, bottle shop and TAB
(Submitted: 14/08/2012)
Development Application DA 31/2011
Advertising structure - under awning sign
(Submitted: 14/02/2011)
Construction Certificate CC 369/2010
Establishment of use as a Bakery/ Cafe (Refreshment Room), shop fitout and signage
(Submitted: 07/02/2011)
Principal Certifier 327/2010
Establishment of use as an Aboriginal art gallery, associated fitout and signage
(Submitted: 22/12/2010)
Construction Certificate CC 327/2010
Establishment of use as an Aboriginal art gallery, associated fitout and signage
(Submitted: 01/12/2010)
Development Application DA 369/2010
Establishment of use as a Bakery/ Cafe (Refreshment Room), shop fitout and signage
(Submitted: 09/11/2010)
Principal Certifier 12.2009.17.3
Alterations and additions to the existing buildings including dividing the existing shops to create additional shops and changes to the facade
(Submitted: 01/11/2010)
Development Application DA 327/2010
Establishment of use as an Aboriginal art gallery, associated fitout and signage
(Submitted: 06/10/2010)
Principal Certifier 131/2010
Establishment of use as and fitout of Retail Shop - Shop G04/ Shop 2 - Homeware Shop
(Submitted: 24/09/2010)
Construction Certificate 11.2010.131.2
Establishment of use as and fitout of Retail Shop - Shop G04/ Shop 2 - Homeware Shop
(Submitted: 31/08/2010)
Construction Certificate CC 131/2010
Establishment of use as and fitout of Retail Shop - Shop G04/ Shop 2 - Homeware Shop
(Submitted: 13/08/2010)
Principal Certifier 12.2009.17.2
Alterations and additions to the existing buildings including dividing the existing shops to create additional shops and changes to the facade
(Submitted: 11/08/2010)
Principal Certifier 82/2009
Change of use to a bank/office, shop fit out, ATMs and signage
(Submitted: 17/06/2010)
Development Application DA 131/2010
Establishment of use as and fitout of Retail Shop - Shop G04/ Shop 2 - Homeware Shop
(Submitted: 12/05/2010)
Construction Certificate CC 82/2009
Change of use to a bank/office, shop fit out, ATMs and signage
(Submitted: 30/03/2010)
Construction Certificate CC 17/2009
Alterations and additions to the existing buildings including dividing the existing shops to create additional shops and changes to the facade
(Submitted: 01/02/2010)
Principal Certifier 196/2008
Alteration and additions to the Ivanhoe Hotel and Part of 19-29 The Corso, including new façade, coffee shop, poker machine area, bottle shop and TAB
(Submitted: 08/09/2009)
Construction Certificate CC 196/2008
Alteration and additions to the Ivanhoe Hotel and Part of 19-29 The Corso, including new façade, coffee shop, poker machine area, bottle shop and TAB
(Submitted: 05/06/2009)
Section 455 Modifications S96 196/2008 (part 2-modification)
Section 96 to modify approved Alterations and additions to the Ivanhoe Hotel and extend to adjoining premises including new facade, coffee shop, poker machine area, bottle shop and TAB
(Submitted: 31/03/2009)
Development Application DA 82/2009
Change of use to a bank/office, shop fit out, ATMs and signage
(Submitted: 20/03/2009)
Development Application DA 17/2009
Alterations and additions to the existing buildings including dividing the existing shops to create additional shops and changes to the facade
(Submitted: 20/01/2009)
Development Application DA 196/2008
Alteration and additions to the Ivanhoe Hotel and Part of 19-29 The Corso, including new façade, coffee shop, poker machine area, bottle shop and TAB
(Submitted: 20/06/2008)
Development Application DA 89/2007
AMENDED PLANS - Redevelopment for retail, commercial, hotel bottle shop and hotel accommodation
(Submitted: 16/03/2007)
Development Application DA 21/2006
Partial demolition & new mixed-use development comprising of basement parking, ground floor retail level & four residential levels comprising of 31 units & strata subdivision
(Submitted: 14/12/2005)
Section 455 Modifications S96 141/1997
DA0141/97 Change of Use to Office/Suite 2, 1st Floor
(Submitted: 21/04/1997)
Section 455 Modifications S96 57/1997
DA0057/97 Home Help Agency
(Submitted: 03/03/1997)
Section 455 Modifications S96 281/1995
DA0281/95 Use as english language classrooms
(Submitted: 12/09/1995)
Section 455 Modifications S96 241/1995
DA0241/95 Use as chiropractic practice
(Submitted: 01/08/1995)
Section 455 Modifications S96 299/1994
DA0299/94 Change of Hours Travel Agent
(Submitted: 11/07/1994)
Development Application DA 5179/1992
(Submitted: 07/01/1992)
Development Application DA 5015/1991
(Submitted: 06/08/1991)
Development Application DA 3706/1990
(Submitted: 27/07/1990)
Development Application DA 3439/1990
(Submitted: 09/01/1990)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2025/0055
Modification of Development Consent DA2020/1711 granted for Alterations and additions to an existing shop top housing development