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Application Number: CC2019/0101

Private - Demolition works and signage - BPB2376/2019-0002-0
Application Type:
Construction Certificate
Determination Level:

Cost of Work:
$ 28,000



Other Applications
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Development Application DA2018/1263
Demolition works and signage (Submitted: 27/07/2018)
Construction Certificate CC 369/2010
Establishment of use as a Bakery/ Cafe (Refreshment Room), shop fitout and signage (Submitted: 07/02/2011)
Development Application DA 369/2010
Establishment of use as a Bakery/ Cafe (Refreshment Room), shop fitout and signage (Submitted: 09/11/2010)
Principal Certifier 12.2009.17.3
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Principal Certifier 12.2009.17.2
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Principal Certifier 82/2009
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Construction Certificate CC 82/2009
Change of use to a bank/office, shop fit out, ATMs and signage (Submitted: 30/03/2010)
Construction Certificate CC 17/2009
Alterations and additions to the existing buildings including dividing the existing shops to create additional shops and changes to the facade (Submitted: 01/02/2010)
Development Application DA 82/2009
Change of use to a bank/office, shop fit out, ATMs and signage (Submitted: 20/03/2009)
Development Application DA 17/2009
Alterations and additions to the existing buildings including dividing the existing shops to create additional shops and changes to the facade (Submitted: 20/01/2009)
Development Application DA 89/2007
AMENDED PLANS - Redevelopment for retail, commercial, hotel bottle shop and hotel accommodation (Submitted: 16/03/2007)
Development Application DA 21/2006
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Development Application DA 3439/1990
DA3439/90 (Submitted: 09/01/1990)