Principal Certifier FOC2022/0240
Civil works including cut and fill to create a suitable building platform for future development, private road, drainage works and environmental management works - The sub-division certification is not part of this OC - 7395
(Submitted: 04/07/2022)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2022/0195
Modification of Development Consent DA2019/0887 granted for Subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots.
(Submitted: 12/05/2022)
Principal Certifier NOC2022/0008
Subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots.
(Submitted: 15/10/2021)
Principal Certifier PCA2021/0104
Subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots.
(Submitted: 13/10/2021)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2021/0654
Modification of Development Consent DA2019/0887 granted for subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots
(Submitted: 27/08/2021)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2020/0458
Modification of Development Consent Modification of Development Consent DA2019/0887 granted for subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots
(Submitted: 24/09/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0306
Civil works including cut and fill, private road, drainage works to create a suitable building platform for future developments - SY180130SW02
(Submitted: 07/04/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2019/1356
Civil works including cut and fill to create a suitable building platform for future development
(Submitted: 23/12/2019)
Development Application DA2019/0887
Subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots.
(Submitted: 16/08/2019)
Development Application DA2018/0339
Community Title subdivision of 1 lot into 24 lots, inclusive of 22 lots for future dwelling houses
(Submitted: 06/03/2018)
Development Application N0398/17
Civil works including cut and fill to create a suitable building platform for future development, private road, drainage works and environmental management works
(Submitted: 01/09/2017)
Public Exhibition Document PP0003/16
Planning Proposal - Amend Clause 6.1(3) of the Pittwater LEP in relation to Buffer Area 1M to permit 22 dwellings on 2 Macpherson Street, Warriewood
(Submitted: 11/11/2016)
Development Application N0431/14
Construction of thirty (30) semi-detached dwelling houses and associated infrastructure works
(Submitted: 27/11/2014)
Public Exhibition Document PP0003/13
Planning Proposal to increase residential densities
(Submitted: 13/06/2013)
Public Exhibition Document PP0002/13
to increase residential densities
(Submitted: 07/06/2013)
Development Application N0570/99
a subdivision of 8 existing lots into 11 lots for future industrial use; 1 lot for open space and 1 lot for future residential development. No access to Warriewood Road is proposed
(Submitted: 23/06/1999)