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Application Number: PP0002/13

Planning Proposal - to increase residential densities
Application Type:
Public Exhibition Document
Cost of Work:
$ 0


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Other Applications
Principal Certifier FOC2022/0240
Civil works including cut and fill to create a suitable building platform for future development, private road, drainage works and environmental management works - The sub-division certification is not part of this OC - 7395 (Submitted: 04/07/2022)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2022/0195
Modification of Development Consent DA2019/0887 granted for Subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots. (Submitted: 12/05/2022)
Construction Certificate CC2022/0351
Construction of a Residential Flat Building, semi-detached dwelling, dwelling house and Community Title Subdivision, including internal private road - 190793/01 (Submitted: 06/04/2022)
Principal Certifier NOC2022/0008
Subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots. (Submitted: 15/10/2021)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2021/0654
Modification of Development Consent DA2019/0887 granted for subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots (Submitted: 27/08/2021)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2020/0458
Modification of Development Consent Modification of Development Consent DA2019/0887 granted for subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots (Submitted: 24/09/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0579
Construction of a Residential Flat Building, semi-detached dwelling, dwelling house and Community Title Subdivision, including internal private road (Submitted: 03/06/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0306
Civil works including cut and fill, private road, drainage works to create a suitable building platform for future developments - SY180130SW02 (Submitted: 07/04/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2019/1356
Civil works including cut and fill to create a suitable building platform for future development (Submitted: 23/12/2019)
Principal Certifier IOC2019/0147
Construction of a residential aged care facility containing 130 sole occupancy high care rooms, subdivision and associated civil works, and the extension of a public road (Lorikeet Grove) - 19/124286-4 (Submitted: 29/08/2019)
Development Application DA2019/0887
Subdivision of land into 24 community title lots comprising 22 residential lots and 2 residue lots. (Submitted: 16/08/2019)
Construction Certificate CC2019/0842
CC4: New Build 130 Bed aged care and extension of a public road along with associated civil works along Warriewood Road - 18/124286-3(MOD) (Submitted: 14/08/2019)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2019/0171
Modification of development consent N0611/16 granted for the construction of a residential aged care facility, subdivision and associated civil works and the extension of a public road (Lorikeet Grove) (Submitted: 17/04/2019)
Principal Certifier FOC2019/1195
civil engineering works, earthworks, road construction and drainage works, community title subdivision into 79 residential allotments and the erection of 84 attached dwellings on the resultant lots. Pittwater Council is the consent authority, and the Sydney East Joint Regional Planning Panel has the function of determining the application. - 177/15 (Submitted: 10/04/2019)
Construction Certificate CC2018/1422
CC3: New Build 130 bed aged care and extension of a public road along with associated civil works along warriewood road - 18/124286-3 (Submitted: 28/11/2018)
Development Application DA2018/1826
Construction of a mixed residential development, comprising residential flat buildings, semi-detached dwellings and dwelling houses, with associated internal road, site works, landscaping and community title subdivision (Submitted: 15/11/2018)
Principal Certifier FOC2018/1522
civil engineering works, earthworks, road construction and drainage works, community title subdivision into 79 residential allotments and the erection of 84 attached dwellings on the resultant lots. Pittwater Council is the consent authority, and the Sydney East Joint Regional Planning Panel has the function of determining the application. - 160372 (Submitted: 13/11/2018)
Construction Certificate CC2018/0852
CC2: Construction of a residential aged care facility containing 130 sole occupancy high care rooms, subdivision and associated civil works, and the extension of a public road (Lorikeet Grove) Stage 2 - Balance of structure - 18/124286-2 (Submitted: 19/07/2018)
Principal Certifier NOC2018/1042
Construction of a residential aged care facility containing 130 sole occupancy high care rooms, subdivision and associated civil works, and the extension of a public road (Lorikeet Grove) STAGE 2 - Balance of structure - 18/124286-2 (Submitted: 17/07/2018)
Construction Certificate CC2018/0390
CC1: Construction of a residential aged care facility containing 130 sole occupancy high care rooms, subdivision and associated civil works, and the extension of a public road (Lorikeet Grove) - Stage 1: Bulk excavation, footings, in-gound services, slab on ground, ground floor structural walls - 18/124286-1 (Submitted: 21/03/2018)
Principal Certifier NOC2018/0487
Construction of a residential aged care facility containing 130 sole occupancy high care rooms, subdivision and associated civil works, and the extension of a public road (Lorikeet Grove) - Stage 1: Bulk excavation, footings, in-gound services, slab on ground, ground floor structural walls - 18/124286-1 (Submitted: 21/03/2018)
Development Application DA2018/0339
Community Title subdivision of 1 lot into 24 lots, inclusive of 22 lots for future dwelling houses (Submitted: 06/03/2018)
Construction Certificate CC2018/0024
Stage 2 CC: Community Title subdivision. Stage 3 of the development consent to create 30 residential dwellings. Lots 55-84. (Submitted: 11/12/2017)
Development Application N0460/17
Construction of a three (3) storey residential flat building of 32 residential apartments with 83 basement parking spaces and a three (3) storey multi-dwelling housing development of 12 dwellings with associated parking spaces. (Submitted: 16/10/2017)
Construction Certificate CC0325/17
Community title subdivision. Stage 2 of the development consent to create 49 residential dwellings. (Submitted: 04/09/2017)
Development Application N0398/17
Civil works including cut and fill to create a suitable building platform for future development, private road, drainage works and environmental management works (Submitted: 01/09/2017)
Construction Certificate CC0176/17
Subdivision works - road and drainage works - stage 2 (Submitted: 05/05/2017)
Development Application T0188/17
Tree/Bushland Works (Submitted: 01/05/2017)
Development Application N0611/16
Construction of a residential aged care facility containing 130 sole occupancy high care rooms, subdivision and associated civil works, and the extension of a public road (Lorikeet Grove) (Submitted: 30/12/2016)
Section 455 Modifications N0177/15/S96/1
Modification of consent N0177/15 for civil engineering works, earthworks, road construction and drainage works, community title subdivision into 79 residential allotments and the erection of 84 attached dwellings on the resultant lots (Submitted: 19/12/2016)
Public Exhibition Document PP0003/16
Planning Proposal - Amend Clause 6.1(3) of the Pittwater LEP in relation to Buffer Area 1M to permit 22 dwellings on 2 Macpherson Street, Warriewood (Submitted: 11/11/2016)
Construction Certificate CC0346/15
bulk earthworks and the importation of fill (Debtor # J26911) (Submitted: 02/11/2015)
Development Application N0177/15
civil engineering works, earthworks, road construction and drainage works, community title subdivision into 79 residential allotments and the erection of 84 attached dwellings on the resultant lots. Pittwater Council is the consent authority, and the Sydney East Joint Regional Planning Panel has the function of determining the application. (Submitted: 21/05/2015)
Development Application N0062/15
bulk earthworks and the importation of fill (Submitted: 23/02/2015)
Development Application N0431/14
Construction of thirty (30) semi-detached dwelling houses and associated infrastructure works (Submitted: 27/11/2014)
Public Exhibition Document PP0004/13
Planning Proposal to rezone land to a residential zone and increase residential densities (Submitted: 13/06/2013)
Public Exhibition Document PP0003/13
Planning Proposal to increase residential densities (Submitted: 13/06/2013)
Public Exhibition Document PP0002/13
to increase residential densities (Submitted: 07/06/2013)
Development Application N0481/05
Demolition of all existing structures on the site (Submitted: 17/08/2005)
Development Application N0683/03
New industrial business park consisting 25 office/factory units (Submitted: 03/10/2003)
Development Application N0525/00
storage of a site shed, toilet, vehicles and a small amount of landscape materials (Submitted: 30/05/2000)
Development Application N0570/99
a subdivision of 8 existing lots into 11 lots for future industrial use; 1 lot for open space and 1 lot for future residential development. No access to Warriewood Road is proposed (Submitted: 23/06/1999)