Principal Certifier OC2024/0113
Semi-detached dwelling with associated driveway and landscaping.- P210257/01 - WHOLE
(Submitted: 08/02/2024)
Principal Certifier OC2024/0111
Semi-detached dwelling with associated driveway and landscaping. WHOLE OC - - P210257/-01
(Submitted: 08/02/2024)
Principal Certifier POC2023/0785
Construction of a dwelling house - 8055131
(Submitted: 20/09/2023)
Principal Certifier OC2023/0873
Construction of a covered alfresco area at the rear of the dwelling - Whole OC - P220065-/01
(Submitted: 18/09/2023)
Principal Certifier OC2023/0872
New two (2) storey residential dwelling house. Whole OC - P220062-/02
(Submitted: 18/09/2023)
Principal Certifier OC2023/0449
Construction of a dwelling house - 8048507
(Submitted: 19/05/2023)
Principal Certifier OC2023/0347
Construction of a dwelling house - P220053/01
(Submitted: 17/04/2023)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2023/0161
Modification of Development Consent DA2018/0607 granted for construction of a residential flat building, basement car parking and landscaping within currently unregistered Lots 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of an approved 40 lot subdivision at 29-31 Warriewood Road, Warriewood
(Submitted: 05/04/2023)
Principal Certifier OC2023/0036
Construction of a Dwelling House - 8053718
(Submitted: 20/01/2023)
Principal Certifier OC2022/0838
Construction of a dwelling house - 8051365
(Submitted: 23/11/2022)
Principal Certifier OC2022/0786
Construction of retaining walls - 00092422
(Submitted: 03/11/2022)
Principal Certifier OC2022/0780
Construction of a dwelling house - 8053467
(Submitted: 02/11/2022)
Principal Certifier OC2022/0711
Construction of a dwelling house - 210180
(Submitted: 10/10/2022)
Principal Certifier NOC2022/0998
Construction of a swimming pool - 220213
(Submitted: 13/09/2022)
Construction Certificate CC2022/0722
Construction of a swimming pool - 220213/01
(Submitted: 13/07/2022)
Principal Certifier NOC2022/0734
Construction of a swimming pool
(Submitted: 08/07/2022)
Principal Certifier POC2022/0384
Construction of a Dwelling House - DWELLING ONLY - 8053718
(Submitted: 07/07/2022)
Principal Certifier POC2022/0382
(Submitted: 06/07/2022)
Construction Certificate CC2022/0697
Construction of semi detached dwellings, driveway and landscaping - P2100261/01
(Submitted: 05/07/2022)
Construction Certificate CC2022/0668
Construction of semi-detached dwellings and subdivision - P210257/02
(Submitted: 29/06/2022)
Principal Certifier POC2022/0376
Construction of a dwelling house - 8053467
(Submitted: 17/06/2022)
Principal Certifier NOC2022/0593
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 02/06/2022)
Principal Certifier NOC2022/0588
Construction of retaining walls
(Submitted: 24/05/2022)
Construction Certificate CC2022/0501
Construction of retaining walls - 00092422
(Submitted: 20/05/2022)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2022/0328
Construction of a covered alfresco area at the rear of the dwelling - P220065/01
(Submitted: 04/04/2022)
Principal Certifier OC2022/0198
New two (2) storey residential dwelling house - P210113/01
(Submitted: 01/04/2022)
Construction Certificate CC2022/0243
Construction of a New Residential Dwelling and Driveway - P220053/01
(Submitted: 17/03/2022)
Development Application DA2022/0285
Construction of a swimming pool
(Submitted: 15/03/2022)
Principal Certifier FOC2022/0108
Alterations and additions to a dwelling house - New Construction of Retaining Wall - 00080832
(Submitted: 10/03/2022)
Construction Certificate CC2022/0218
Construction of a Dwelling House - P220062/02
(Submitted: 10/03/2022)
Principal Certifier FOC2022/0087
Construction of a dwelling house - 200260/01
(Submitted: 01/03/2022)
Development Application DA2022/0120
Construction of retaining walls
(Submitted: 10/02/2022)
Principal Certifier OC2022/0012
Construction of a dwelling house - WOC - 8047901
(Submitted: 13/01/2022)
Principal Certifier OC2022/0011
Construction of a Swimming Pool and associated retaining walls - 00080755
(Submitted: 12/01/2022)
Principal Certifier NOC2021/1618
Construction of a swimming pool - 210436/01
(Submitted: 29/12/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/1573
Construction of a swimming pool - 210436/01
(Submitted: 27/12/2021)
Principal Certifier OC2021/0165
Construction of a new double storey residential dwelling house with associated driveway - 200323/01
(Submitted: 02/12/2021)
Development Application DA2021/2174
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 18/11/2021)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2021/0846
Modification of Development Consent DA2020/0436 granted for construction of semi-detached dwellings and subdivision
(Submitted: 05/11/2021)
Development Application DA2021/1885
Construction of a Dwelling House
(Submitted: 27/10/2021)
Development Application DA2021/1969
Construction of a swimming pool
(Submitted: 22/10/2021)
Principal Certifier NOC2021/1333
Construction of a dwelling house - 8055131
(Submitted: 18/10/2021)
Principal Certifier OC2021/0023
Construction of ten (10) dwelling houses with associated landscaping within currently unregistered Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28 and 29 of an approved 40 lot subdivision at 29-31 Warriewood Road, Warriewood - J/78398/04
(Submitted: 01/10/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/1053
Construction of a dwelling house - New Construction of Retaining Wall - 00082872
(Submitted: 01/09/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/0981
Construction of a dwelling house - 8055131
(Submitted: 12/08/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/0934
Construction of a new dwelling house - 210180
(Submitted: 02/08/2021)
Principal Certifier FOC2021/0878
Construction of a dwelling house - PARTIAL CC - 8047901
(Submitted: 21/07/2021)
Principal Certifying Authority IOC2021/0067
Interim OC by Private Certifier
(Submitted: 22/06/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/0660
Alterations and additions to a dwelling house - New Construction of Retaining Wall - 00080832
(Submitted: 09/06/2021)
Principal Certifier NOC2021/0703
Alterations and additions to a dwelling house - New Construction of Retaining Wall - 00080832
(Submitted: 04/06/2021)
Principal Certifier NOC2021/0698
Construction of a Swimming Pool - CC/50/2021
(Submitted: 04/06/2021)
Development Application DA2021/0677
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 27/05/2021)
Development Application DA2021/0665
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 27/05/2021)
Principal Certifier NOC2021/0622
Construction of a Dwelling House
(Submitted: 20/05/2021)
Principal Certifier NOC2021/0614
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 19/05/2021)
Principal Certifier NOC2021/0601
Construction of a Swimming Pool and associated retaining walls - 00080755
(Submitted: 14/05/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/0533
Dwelling only - 8053718
(Submitted: 14/05/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/0511
Construction of a two storey dwelling - 8053467
(Submitted: 07/05/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/0504
Construction of a Swimming Pool - CC/50/2021
(Submitted: 05/05/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/0494
Construction of a two (2) storey dwelling house with associated driveway - P210113/01
(Submitted: 04/05/2021)
Principal Certifier NOC2021/0545
Construction of a two storey dwelling house with associated driveway - P210113/01
(Submitted: 03/05/2021)
Principal Certifier FOC2021/0489
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 28/04/2021)
Principal Certifier NOC2021/0463
Construction of a dwelling house and landscape works
(Submitted: 13/04/2021)
Development Application DA2021/0291
Alterations and additions to a dwelling house
(Submitted: 01/04/2021)
Development Application DA2021/0230
Construction of a Swimming Pool and associated retaining walls
(Submitted: 25/03/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/0336
Construction of a swimming pool - 210108
(Submitted: 24/03/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/0335
Construction of a dwelling house and landscape works - 8051365
(Submitted: 24/03/2021)
Development Application DA2021/0206
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 23/03/2021)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2021/0091
Modification of Development Consent DA2020/0436 granted for construction of semi-detached dwellings and subdivision
(Submitted: 22/03/2021)
Development Application DA2021/0132
Construction of a Dwelling House
(Submitted: 19/03/2021)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2021/0065
Modification of Development Consent DA2020/0730 granted for construction of a swimming pool
(Submitted: 25/02/2021)
Principal Certifier NOC2021/0029
Construction of a new double storey residential dwelling with associated driveway. Ref P200323/01
(Submitted: 11/01/2021)
Construction Certificate CC2021/0015
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 05/01/2021)
Development Application DA2020/1642
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 18/12/2020)
Principal Certifier FOC2020/1748
Construction of a swimming pool - 200443
(Submitted: 11/11/2020)
Principal Certifier NOC2020/1352
Construction of a two storey dwelling with associated driveway - P200260/01
(Submitted: 10/11/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/1219
Construction of a double storey residential dwelling and driveway - P200260/01
(Submitted: 09/11/2020)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2020/0568
Modification of Development Consent DA2020/0730 for a swimming pool
(Submitted: 30/10/2020)
Development Application DA2020/1313
Construction of a dwelling house and landscape works
(Submitted: 16/10/2020)
Development Application DA2020/1120
Construction of a swimming pool
(Submitted: 16/09/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0869
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 05/08/2020)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2020/0352
Modification of Development Consent N0182/13 granted for 40 Lot subdivision of existing sites and demolition of existing structures
(Submitted: 05/08/2020)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2020/0327
Modification of Development Consent DA2018/0607 granted for construction of a Residential Flat Building
(Submitted: 27/07/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0707
Construction of a new two (2) storey dwelling house - P200134/01
(Submitted: 24/07/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0697
Construction of a dwelling house - 8048507
(Submitted: 21/07/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0751
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 08/07/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0629
Construction of a swimming pool - 200443
(Submitted: 03/07/2020)
Principal Certifier FOC2020/1396
Construction of a dwelling house on proposed Lot 6 - P190118/01
(Submitted: 03/07/2020)
Principal Certifier NOC2020/0756
Construction of a swimming pool - 200443
(Submitted: 03/07/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0730
Construction of a Swimming Pool
(Submitted: 01/07/2020)
Principal Certifier FOC2020/1300
Construction of a two storey dwelling - P190178/01
(Submitted: 01/07/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0605
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 26/06/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0499
CC2: Construction of a residential flat building, basement car parking and landscaping within currently unregistered Lots 2, 3, 4, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of an approved 40 lot subdivision at 29-31 Warriewood Road - J/78398/02(MOD1)
(Submitted: 29/05/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0474
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 12/05/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0436
Construction of semi- detached dwellings and subdivision
(Submitted: 04/05/2020)
Principal Certifier FOC2020/1220
Construction of a dwelling house on proposed Lot 20 - P190186/01
(Submitted: 30/04/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0387
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 22/04/2020)
Principal Certifier FOC2020/1188
Construction of a new two storey dwelling house including in-ground concrete swimming pool - P190120/01
(Submitted: 17/04/2020)
Principal Certifier FOC2020/1187
Construction of a dwelling house on proposed Lot 8 - P190119/01
(Submitted: 17/04/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0361
Construction of a swimming pool
(Submitted: 16/04/2020)
Principal Certifier NOC2020/0353
Construction of a dwelling house - P200053/01
(Submitted: 31/03/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/0287
Construction of a residential flat building, basement car parking and landscaping within currently unregistered Lots 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of an approved 40 lot subdivision at 29-31 Warriewood Road, Warriewood - J/78398/03
(Submitted: 30/03/2020)
Principal Certifier NOC2020/0442
Construction of a residential flat building, basement car parking and landscaping within currently unregistered Lots 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of an approved 40 lot subdivision at 29-31 Warriewood Road, Warriewood - J/78398/03
(Submitted: 30/03/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0208
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 05/03/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0137
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 14/02/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2019/0791
Construction of a new two storey residential dwelling - P190186/01
(Submitted: 30/07/2019)
Construction Certificate CC2019/0783
Construction of a dwelling house on proposed Lot 6 - P190118/01
(Submitted: 26/07/2019)
Principal Certifier NOC2019/0869
Construction of a new two storey residential dwelling - P190186/01
(Submitted: 25/07/2019)
Construction Certificate CC2019/0742
Construction of a two storey dwelling - P190178/01
(Submitted: 11/07/2019)
Principal Certifier NOC2019/0791
Construction of a two storey dwelling - P190178/01
(Submitted: 08/07/2019)
Construction Certificate CC2019/0609
Construction of a new two storey dwelling house including in-ground concrete swimming pool - P190120/01
(Submitted: 17/06/2019)
Construction Certificate CC2019/0559
Construction of a dwelling house on proposed Lot 8 - P190119/01
We have not received a copy of this CC.
(Submitted: 03/06/2019)
Principal Certifier NOC2019/0606
Construction of a new two (2) storey dwelling house including an in-ground concrete swimming pool - P190120/01
(Submitted: 28/05/2019)
Principal Certifier NOC2019/0605
Construction of a new two storey residential dwelling - P190119/01
(Submitted: 28/05/2019)
Development Application DA2019/0002
Construction of a dwelling house on future Lot 9
(Submitted: 02/01/2019)
Development Application DA2018/1575
Construction of a dwelling house on proposed Lot 20
(Submitted: 25/09/2018)
Development Application DA2018/1201
Construction of a dwelling house on proposed Lot 7
(Submitted: 12/07/2018)