Principal Certifier FOC2022/0087
Construction of a dwelling house - 200260/01
(Submitted: 01/03/2022)
Principal Certifier NOC2020/1352
Construction of a two storey dwelling with associated driveway - P200260/01
(Submitted: 10/11/2020)
Construction Certificate CC2020/1219
Construction of a double storey residential dwelling and driveway - P200260/01
(Submitted: 09/11/2020)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2020/0352
Modification of Development Consent N0182/13 granted for 40 Lot subdivision of existing sites and demolition of existing structures
(Submitted: 05/08/2020)
Development Application DA2020/0751
Construction of a dwelling house
(Submitted: 08/07/2020)