Public Exhibition Document PEX2020/0009
to amend Schedule 1 and Schedule 5 of the Manly Local Environmental Plan 2013 to allow a range of additional permitted uses and additional heritage items, and to amend the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts—Eastern Harbour City) 2021 to facilitate the redevelopment of the subject site as a ‘health and wellbeing precinct’ whilst ensuring the important ecological and heritage values of the site are preserved.
(Submitted: 06/11/2020)
Development Application DA 391/2007
Alterations and Additions to the Psycho Geriatric Unit at Manly Hospital
(Submitted: 05/10/2007)
Development Application DA 88/2006
Extension of Intensive Care Unit of Manly Hospital
(Submitted: 17/02/2006)
Development Application DA 240/2000
Extension wing to Accident & Emergency Department
(Submitted: 01/06/2000)
Development Application DA 1338/1998
DA1338/98 Fire Upgrade of Existing Health Care Service
(Submitted: 22/12/1998)
Development Application DA 1339/1998
DA1339/98 Building No 10, fire upgrade of exist Helath Care Buildings
(Submitted: 22/12/1998)
Section 455 Modifications S96 187/1997
DA0187/97 Change to Cooking Facilities
(Submitted: 23/05/1997)
Development Application DA 9397/1996
DA9397/96 Extension to East Wing of Hospital
(Submitted: 05/01/1996)
Section 455 Modifications S96 397/1995
DA0397/95 Extension & Alterations Toeast Wing of Manly Hosp =469800
(Submitted: 29/12/1995)
Section 455 Modifications S96 472/1994
DA0472/94 Drug & Alchol Rehab
(Submitted: 20/10/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 409/1994
DA0409/94 2 Microwave Radio Antenna
(Submitted: 06/09/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 192/1994
DA0192/94 BA 192/94 Emergency Dept Refurbishment
(Submitted: 12/05/1994)
Section 455 Modifications S96 477/1993
DA0477/93 Construction of a Residential Unit
(Submitted: 21/12/1993)
Development Application DA 5579/1992
(Submitted: 01/12/1992)
Development Application DA 3506/1990
(Submitted: 06/03/1990)