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Application Number: DA2025/0175

Alterations and additions to commercial developmt - Alterations and additions to a Pub (The Collaroy)
Application Type:
Development Application
Under Assessment
Exhibition Period:
12/03/2025 to 26/03/2025
Cost of Work:
$ 238,700
Adriana Bramley

Related Applications:
There are no related applications.

Other Applications
Development Application DA2025/0175
Alterations and additions to a Pub (The Collaroy) (Submitted: 27/02/2025)
Construction Certificate CC2018/0234
Alterations and Additions to a Pub (The Collaroy) - CC 173512 for DA2017/1123 & DA2017/1125 (Submitted: 26/02/2018)
Principal Certifier NOC2018/0284
Alterations and Additions to a Pub (The Collaroy) (Submitted: 26/02/2018)
Principal Certifier NOC2018/0285
Alterations and Additions to a Pub (The Collaroy) CC2018/0234 applies to this DA - see notes. (Submitted: 26/02/2018)
Complying Development Certificate CDC2017/0837
Private SEPP - Refurbishments per heritage exemption - 173512 (Submitted: 21/12/2017)
Principal Certifier NOC2017/1119
Private SEPP - Refurbishments per heritage exemption - 173512 (Submitted: 21/12/2017)
Development Application DA2017/1125
Alterations and Additions to a Pub (The Collaroy) CC2018/0234 applies to this DA - see notes. (Submitted: 20/11/2017)
Development Application DA2017/1123
Alterations and Additions to a Pub (The Collaroy) (Submitted: 20/11/2017)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2014/0201
Modification of Development Consent DA2011/0204 granted for Alterations and Additions to Collaroy Beach Hotel (previously known as the Surf Rock Hotel) (Submitted: 15/09/2014)
Development Application DA2014/0835
Signage (Submitted: 25/07/2014)
Construction Certificate CC2014/0272
Alterations and Additions to Collaroy Beach Hotel (previously known as the Surf Rock Hotel) (Submitted: 27/05/2014)
Construction Certificate CC2014/0203
Alterations and Additions to Collaroy Beach Hotel (previously known as the Surf Rock Hotel) (Submitted: 21/04/2014)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2012/0059
Modification of Development Consent DA2011/0204 Granted for Alterations and additions to Collaroy Beach Hotel (previously known as the Surf Rock Hotel) (Submitted: 23/03/2012)
Reviews REV2012/0056
Alterations and Additions to Collaroy Beach Hotel (previously known as the Surf Rock Hotel) (Submitted: 23/03/2012)
Development Application DA2011/0204
Alterations and Additions to Collaroy Beach Hotel (previously known as the Surf Rock Hotel) (Submitted: 17/02/2011)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2009/0093
Modification of Consent No. 2002/0212 granted for a hotel (Surf Rock Hotel) to allow a continuation of increased patron numbers and associated hours (Submitted: 21/04/2009)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/0212/5
Modification 5 of Condition 20 (hours of Operation) Condition 22(maximum Patronage of the Hotel) Condition 41C (live Music) and Deletion of Condition 35(NO New Patrons from Midnight) (Submitted: 18/04/2007)
Converted Fujitsu DA2007/0222
Internal and External Alterations and Change of Use from a Restaurant to a Hotel (Submitted: 27/03/2007)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/0212/4
Modification 4 Extension of Trading Hours on Thursday Nights from Midnight to 1AM (Submitted: 12/12/2006)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/0212/3
Modification 3 Change to Conditions 20 and 22 With Respect to Trading Hours and Patron Numbers (Submitted: 22/05/2006)
Converted Fujitsu DA2005/0366
Removal of Existing Shop Awning and Replacement With New Shop Awning (Submitted: 19/04/2005)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/0212/2
Modification 2 (Submitted: 14/04/2005)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/0212/1
Modification 1 Condition 22 Be Modified from : the Maximum Patronage of the Hotel Between the Houses of 7 AM and 11 PM Is to Be Limited to 150 Persons Exclusive of Staff.Between 11PM and Closing Time the Maximum Patronage Shall Be 250 Persons Exclusive of Staff .to : Max Hotel Patronage to 540 Persons (Submitted: 03/05/2004)
Converted Fujitsu MOD6000/0468/1
Modification 1 - to Extend Present Take Away Bottle Sales from 9 PM Until 11 PM - Due to Increased Demand in Customers from Adjoining Newly Cosntructed Units & Backpacked Accommodation in Collaroy Street 15/10/03 Approved at Du; (Submitted: 22/07/2003)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2000/3664/1
Due to Change of Use (with NO Entertainment Licence) Use Single Glazing (Submitted: 14/10/2002)
Converted Fujitsu DA2002/1386
Relocation of Kitchen and Installation of Bar - (Submitted: 19/09/2002)
Converted Fujitsu DA2002/0212
Alterations,additions and Extension of the Hotel Premises AM.Plans/Addit Info for the Expansion of the Surf Rock Hotel so as to Incorp.the 2 Immediately Adjacetn Retail Premises, New Kitchen & Dining Areas, New Seating, Redesigned Bar Fac.Expanded Function Room, New & Larger Public Amenities - *advt.Fee to Pay $830.00; *advt.in Paper Sat.7/9/02; re-Not.5/9 to 23/9/02; Approved DU 5/6/03; (Submitted: 18/02/2002)
Converted Fujitsu CDC2001/1583
Furniture Display and Cafe - (change of Use from Restaurant to Showroom/Cafe) If $110, Es $210, to Pay for CDC; 14/11/2001 File to Counter; (Submitted: 30/10/2001)
Converted Fujitsu DA2000/3664
Alterations & Additions - Lycakis S (Submitted: 24/01/2000)
Converted Fujitsu BA5001/6474
Add N (Submitted: 12/07/1991)
Converted Fujitsu BA5001/5885
Add N DATE TYPE NOTE 25/07/1991 Inspected by: Notes: 25/07/1991 Final Inspected by: CON Notes: HOTEL AGM (Submitted: 13/05/1991)
Converted Fujitsu BA5001/2370
ADD Toilets N DATE TYPE NOTE 26/07/1991 Inspected by: Notes: 26/07/1991 Final Inspected by: CON Notes: TOILET MECH VENT 26/07/1991 Inspected by: Notes: 26/07/1991 Final Inspected by: CON Notes: TOILET / MECH VENT (Submitted: 02/05/1990)
Converted Fujitsu BA5000/5993
Add N (Submitted: 10/10/1988)
Converted Fujitsu BA5000/4432
Add N (Submitted: 30/06/1988)