Development Application DA2025/0175
Alterations and additions to a Pub (The Collaroy)
(Submitted: 27/02/2025)
Development Application DA2017/1125
Alterations and Additions to a Pub (The Collaroy)
CC2018/0234 applies to this DA - see notes.
(Submitted: 20/11/2017)
Development Application DA2017/1123
Alterations and Additions to a Pub (The Collaroy)
(Submitted: 20/11/2017)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2014/0201
Modification of Development Consent DA2011/0204 granted for Alterations and Additions to Collaroy Beach Hotel (previously known as the Surf Rock Hotel)
(Submitted: 15/09/2014)
Development Application DA2014/0835
(Submitted: 25/07/2014)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2012/0059
Modification of Development Consent DA2011/0204 Granted for Alterations and additions to Collaroy Beach Hotel (previously known as the Surf Rock Hotel)
(Submitted: 23/03/2012)
Reviews REV2012/0056
Alterations and Additions to Collaroy Beach Hotel (previously known as the Surf Rock Hotel)
(Submitted: 23/03/2012)
Development Application DA2011/0204
Alterations and Additions to Collaroy Beach Hotel (previously known as the Surf Rock Hotel)
(Submitted: 17/02/2011)
Section 455 Modifications Mod2009/0093
Modification of Consent No. 2002/0212 granted for a hotel (Surf Rock Hotel) to allow a continuation of increased patron numbers and associated hours
(Submitted: 21/04/2009)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/0212/5
Modification 5 of Condition 20 (hours of Operation) Condition 22(maximum Patronage of the Hotel) Condition 41C (live Music) and Deletion of Condition 35(NO New Patrons from Midnight)
(Submitted: 18/04/2007)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/0212/4
Modification 4 Extension of Trading Hours on Thursday Nights from Midnight to 1AM
(Submitted: 12/12/2006)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/0212/3
Modification 3 Change to Conditions 20 and 22 With Respect to Trading Hours and Patron Numbers
(Submitted: 22/05/2006)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/0212/2
Modification 2
(Submitted: 14/04/2005)
Converted Fujitsu MOD2002/0212/1
Modification 1 Condition 22 Be Modified from : the Maximum Patronage of the Hotel Between the Houses of 7 AM and 11 PM Is to Be Limited to 150 Persons Exclusive of Staff.Between 11PM and Closing Time the Maximum Patronage Shall Be 250 Persons Exclusive of Staff .to : Max Hotel Patronage to 540 Persons
(Submitted: 03/05/2004)
Converted Fujitsu DA2002/0212
Alterations,additions and Extension of the Hotel Premises AM.Plans/Addit Info for the Expansion of the Surf Rock Hotel so as to Incorp.the 2 Immediately Adjacetn Retail Premises, New Kitchen & Dining Areas, New Seating, Redesigned Bar Fac.Expanded Function Room, New & Larger Public Amenities - *advt.Fee to Pay $830.00; * Paper Sat.7/9/02; re-Not.5/9 to 23/9/02; Approved DU 5/6/03;
(Submitted: 18/02/2002)